

Silent Chain Manufacturers Share The Causes Of Scars On The Chain Surface

2020-04-28 16:56:04 | 日記
Many customers have called to ask why the metallurgical industry chains will show scars on the surface after being used for a period of time. Is the quality not good enough and fake products? Actually not, Silent Chain  manufacturers will tell you what is going on.
These scars are generally on the surface, and are one or more pits of irregular shape, different materials, different scales, steel, low alloy steel, and high strength steel scars are more likely to occur than ordinary carbon steel. There are usually two reasons:
1. During the use of chains in the metallurgical industry, the slab head and tail return slag product tumor chain, when the steel slag is serious, it can form a dense and firmly attached to the blank area table. Steel slag is the accumulation of billet metal flowing during the cutting process, which is blown away by the wind, but overflows along the cut and forms in the blank at one end of the table. Analysis of the causes of slag in the table area: improved low-pressure oxygen purity, unsuitable or fluctuating cutting life; later, expanded; different types of steel, cross-section plate chain conveyor, cutting trolley speed setting is incorrect, and the cutting effect deteriorated
2. In general, the main cause of scars on the surface of chains used in the metallurgical industry is that the scale of the chain has not been timely and effective. Two shaft type continuous casting billet deburring machine chain cutting, the position of the photoelectric detection board, automatic landing control rotary file deburring machine, hammer head and tail billet continuous casting. Burrs are not cleaned, and then during the rolling process, the chains are harmed and scarred.


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