

JAG Sentences Eric Holder to Hang

By Michael Baxter -July 18, 2023


If silence were golden in JAG’s eyes, detainee Eric Holder comported himself well at the start of Monday’s proceedings, but Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall, after summarizing Friday’s transcript, clearly wanted from Holder an admission of guilt in the matter of firearms that went missing and were used in homicides and a mass shooting event, under his watch as attorney general of the United States.



But Holder had chosen to remain silent as he sat at the defense table with a smug expression indelibly etched on his weathered face. He had heard the admiral call him “a traitor,” a “cowardly assassin by proxy,” and a “servant” of the most diabolical creature to walk the earth—Barack Hussein Obama.



The admiral addressed Holder directly: “Your keeper, your master, your lord, your liege has thrown you under the bus. You were nothing to him but a blunt tool. He used you and tossed you aside like a piece of trash. I’ll give you a choice to make that’ll expire in one minute: change your verdict to guilty, admit Obama masterminded Fast & Furious and Gunrunner, agree to testify against him in the future, and I’ll recommend to this panel a life sentence instead of the more final option.”



A minute passed.



“I guess you’ll die for Obama,” the admiral said.



He showed the panel his next evidence, an official document Holder had authored and sent to CIA Director John Brennan—executed by JAG in May 2021 on different charges—in June 2013. It authorized Brennan to drone strike a gathering of the Missouri Citizens Militia for no other reason than they “continue to push disproven theories POTUS is Muslim, not born in the U.S.A., and that POTUS fabricated his long-form birth certificate.” Holder named seven militia members, including founder Aaron Penberthy, who had to die in an “effective, surgical” strike. He even provided the CIA with an excuse for exceeding its purview—telling the public and press that the militia was a mix of domestic and foreign terrorists who joined forces to plan the assassination of Barack Hussein Obama.



The operation, the admiral said, never saw fruition because the militia gathering never took place. Apparently, they’d been tipped off.



“That Holder’s sinister plan didn’t happen, and the American citizens are still alive doesn’t lessen the gravity of this crime—conspiracy to commit murder. We have authenticated the document as well as Holder’s handwriting. How petty. Plotting murder over the question of citizenship. Obama must really hate people who challenge his birthright.”



“As with the lot of these Deep Staters, enemies of America, we could spend months and years giving evidence but is a waste of money and this commission’s time. The accused doesn’t seem interested in offering a defense, so I offer that this tribunal finds detainee Eric Holder guilty of treason against the United States and of conspiracy to commit murder,” the admiral said.



Holder stayed silent while the panel quietly deliberated his fate.



“We find the defendant, Eric M. Holder, guilty as charged on both counts and urge him to get the maximum punishment,” said the highest-ranking officer on the panel.



“A verdict has been reached unanimously,” the admiral said, glancing at a stone-faced Holder. “The convicted is now sentenced to hang by the neck until dead…It seems we have an open slot Friday, July 21, at 10:00 a.m.[end]




マイケル・バクスター著 -2023年7月18日





しかし、ホルダー被告は弁護側の席に座り、風化した顔にもドヤ顔を刻み込みながら、終始沈黙を守ったのであった。彼はその間、提督から「裏切り者」「卑怯な代理暗殺者」「地球を歩いている最も極悪非道な生物、バラク・フセイン・オバマ極悪の "飼い犬手下"」と蔑称で呼ばれる非難を聞いていた。



提督は直接ホルダー被告に向かって指摘して語った: 「あなたの番人、あなたの主人、あなたの主君、あなたの家来どもは、あなたを浴槽バスの底に放り込んだのだ。彼にとってあなたは単なる鈍器でしかなかった。彼はあなたを巧妙に利用し、粗大ゴミのように投げ捨てた。評決を有罪に変え、オバマ大統領が映画「ワイルド・スピード」と「ガンランナー」のような闇首謀者であることを、もし1分以内に認めたら、今後オバマに不利な証言をするようもし転向したとしても同意する。私はあなたに1分以内に期限切れとなる選択肢を与えます。」









彼は次の証拠をパネル判事に見せた。ホルダー被告が作成し、(別の罪状で2021年5月にJAGによって処刑された)元CIA長官ジョン・ブレナンに送った公式文書である。この闇DS文書は、極め付きの悪党だったブレナン長官が、ミズーリ市民民兵の集会を無人爆撃機で攻撃殺傷する暗殺作戦を正式に許可したものであった。攻撃する根拠、その殺傷する理由とは、彼らが「今の合衆国大統領がイスラム教徒ムスリムであり、米国生まれではなく、出生証明書を偽造捏造している」というもう反証された俗説を推し進め続けているからに他ならないとした。ホルダー被告は、「奴らは効果的で外科的な[無人爆撃機による一斉攻撃]で死ななければならなかった民兵組織の創設者アーロン・ペンバーシーAaron Penberthy頭目を含む7人の民兵の名前を挙げたという。彼らこそ、闇CIAには、その権限を超えたウソの言い訳を捏造して提供していたため、当該民兵団らは、バラク・フセイン・オバマの暗殺を策謀計画するために、裏で手を組んだ国内外のテロリスト混成チームであると断じ、事実を捻じ曲げて一般市民や報道陣に流して伝えたのである。




























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