A mysterious world of countless vermilion Shinto gates
<< Fushimi-Inari-Taisya Shrine >>
This shrine is the head shrine of all Japan Inari-Shrines.
The shrine became the object of Imperial patronage during the early Heian period.
This shrine sits at the base of a mountain also named Inari,
behind the main buldings of the shrine is a 4-km pilgrimage route
leading up the mountain through countless vermilion Shinto gates.
The shrine includes trails up the mountain to many smaller shrines.
The walk around the upper precincts is a pleasant day hike.
It also makes for a delightfully eerie stroll in the late afternoon and early evening,
when the various graveyards and miniature shrines along the path take on a mysterious air.
This shrine dedicated to the god of rice and sake in the 8th century,
merchants and manufacturers worship Inari for wealth.
The shrine also features dozens of statues of foxes.
The fox regarded as the messenger of the god of grain foods, Inari.
The keys often depicted in the fox mouths are keys to granaries.
In this shrine, there is an interesting spot, Omokaru-Ishi.
Omo-Karu-Ishi means feavy-light-rock.
First you wish something, and hold this rock.
If you felt this rock is light, you will get your wish. ;-)
* Free
* Fushimi-Inari Sta. of Keihan Railway or JR
* Inari-Taisya-mae of Kyoto City Bus 南5
<< Fushimi-Inari-Taisya Shrine >>
This shrine is the head shrine of all Japan Inari-Shrines.
The shrine became the object of Imperial patronage during the early Heian period.
This shrine sits at the base of a mountain also named Inari,
behind the main buldings of the shrine is a 4-km pilgrimage route
leading up the mountain through countless vermilion Shinto gates.
The shrine includes trails up the mountain to many smaller shrines.
The walk around the upper precincts is a pleasant day hike.
It also makes for a delightfully eerie stroll in the late afternoon and early evening,
when the various graveyards and miniature shrines along the path take on a mysterious air.
This shrine dedicated to the god of rice and sake in the 8th century,
merchants and manufacturers worship Inari for wealth.
The shrine also features dozens of statues of foxes.
The fox regarded as the messenger of the god of grain foods, Inari.
The keys often depicted in the fox mouths are keys to granaries.
In this shrine, there is an interesting spot, Omokaru-Ishi.
Omo-Karu-Ishi means feavy-light-rock.
First you wish something, and hold this rock.
If you felt this rock is light, you will get your wish. ;-)
* Free
* Fushimi-Inari Sta. of Keihan Railway or JR
* Inari-Taisya-mae of Kyoto City Bus 南5