DIA's comeback stage
DIA has made a comeback.
I watched their performances of "Will you go out with me" and "Boyfriend".
It seems that the staff who writes DIA's songs have finally come to understand the good points of TWICE.
This performance seems to have been trained along those lines by the members.
It's impressive how well they've come this far.
I recently wrote in my blog that idol music stages need a sense of speed.
You could feel that in their performance of "Will you go out with me".
Their singing and dancing were passable.
Although there was a lack of facial expressions and gestures, I think it's a good sign that each member is starting to stand out.
It was a good performance that gives me hope for their future activities.
I wonder what other fans thought of it.
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DIA has made a comeback.
I watched their performances of "Will you go out with me" and "Boyfriend".
It seems that the staff who writes DIA's songs have finally come to understand the good points of TWICE.
This performance seems to have been trained along those lines by the members.
It's impressive how well they've come this far.
I recently wrote in my blog that idol music stages need a sense of speed.
You could feel that in their performance of "Will you go out with me".
Their singing and dancing were passable.
Although there was a lack of facial expressions and gestures, I think it's a good sign that each member is starting to stand out.
It was a good performance that gives me hope for their future activities.
I wonder what other fans thought of it.
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