雨の記号(rain symbol)

Returned as part of G.G.'s "H.U.B." (RUI)

Returned as part of G.G.'s "H.U.B." (RUI)

I remember Rui's solo debut after coming from Japan.

I even wrote about his debut MV and stage performance on my blog.

I wonder when that was.
He was heavily promoted, but it was only a temporary topic and then he disappeared.

I wondered what had happened to him, but then I forgot about him.

When I heard that he had beaten Yu-Ju in the women's 60m final and won, I immediately went to YouTube.

I was shocked when I saw the video in question.
It was because he had won by a landslide, leaving Yu-Ju (the previous year's champion?) behind.

I had a feeling that he had good athletic ability from the time he debuted.

But it was nothing short of amazing that he had such great running ability.

The surprise spread throughout the living rooms of the house, and she was soon given the nickname "Lu Sign Bolt."

She played basketball for about a year in middle school, but hasn't played sports since.

If she had continued playing sports, she probably would have been a decent athlete by now.

That's how amazing she is.

However, she was a model in high school, and enjoys listening to Korean music, so perhaps she envisioned herself as an idol like Girls' Generation a few years down the line.

RUI will be debuting this February as a member of the girl group "H.U.B."

RUI had this to say about the girls she belongs to:

★ They are a talented and versatile group. Our leader has lived in the US, so he is fluent in English, and I can speak Japanese.

Some of our members can write lyrics and compose music, and some can choreograph.

We are a group that can do many different things, so I think we will be able to show a variety of colors. Our style has a girl crush vibe.

Girl class... Hmm, is it a music style similar to BLACK PINK?

It's a small field for multiple girls to coexist, but I'd like to keep an eye on the activities of this girls group that includes RUI.

★Related Links

A new heroine is born! Keep an eye on Japanese idol RUI who is doing great in the "Idol Athletics Championships"

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