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Restart of APRIL

Restart of APRIL

APRIL reorganizes into a six-member group with Chaekyung and Rachel! Coming back in January next year

DSP Media announced on the 24th through a press release, "APRIL will officially welcome two new members, Chaekyung, who was previously announced, and Rachel, who was a trainee at our company, along with existing members Chaewon, Naeun, Yena, and Jinsol, and will reorganize into a six-member group and begin activities."

New member joins "KARA's sister group" APRIL! Rachel, born in 2000, joins

Chaekyung was born in 1996, and after appearing on the audition programs "KARA Project" and "Produce 101," she has been steadily working as a member of project groups "C.I.V.A" and "I.B.I," and has shown good chemistry with the members, such as releasing the collaboration album "Clock" with APRIL member Chaewon.

Rachel was born in 2000 and studied abroad in Portland, USA. Her talents were recognized with her ballet skills, which she had honed for seven years, winning awards at various contests, and she passed the DSP Media audition. She is a cute girl with a bright smile, and is expected to be a new energy source for "APRIL". (From K-POP News) The reaction to their debut was not bad. There must have been quite a few middle and high school students who noticed the group and became fans. There was a time when they seemed to be doing well, with some enthusiastic fans appearing and taking over KARA's fanbase. However, as the sexy route fell out of fashion, and at the same time the Apink syndrome was growing, similar idol groups such as Lovelyz began to appear one after another. As the battle for survival for the pure girls began, the situation of the minority girl group APRIL seemed to be getting worse and worse. In this situation, rather than enduring the decline in popularity, the fact that Somin and Hyunjoo left the group in succession was a big blow to APRIL.

This is because it exposed the weakness of the bonds between the members.

When I found out that Hyunjoo had left after Somin, I thought that if the four of them continued to work together, it would be the end of APRIL.

There are many other girls like this.
Fans can't patiently follow the girls with all the turmoil.
We are in an age where there are many omnivorous fans.

It must have been difficult for the remaining members to regain their motivation as they continued to face the tough battle against the likes of Lovelyz.

Following leader Somin and popular Hyunjoo, they have left.
The agency must have struggled with how to rebuild the group.

This was the group they sent out to replace KARA.
If they were to abandon them so easily, there would be no future for the agency.
It is the role of the agency staff to think about the future of those who remain rather than those who have left.

The members that were selected were Chaekyung and Rachel.

Chaekyung was 20 years old and Rachel was 16.

They restarted with six members.

It's quite interesting that there are three 20-year-olds (Chaewon, Naeun, Chaekyung) and three 16-year-olds (Yena, Jinsol, Rachel).

When Youngji was selected for the KARA project, I thought that since the group was heading towards becoming larger, it would be ideal for KARA to have around six or seven members.

I remember that Chaekyung was also floating around in my mind as a candidate, along with Somin and Youngji.

Chaekyung has some similarities to Hara, who was a member of KARA with Somin.

As for Rachel, it seems like she's looking for a character or a role like Nicole's.

The whole turmoil will be a handicap, but I'd like to have high hopes for them again as they restart.

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