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From the release of IVE's "ViVi" Q&A video

From the release of IVE's "ViVi" Q&A video

★ IVE appears in the June issue of Japanese magazine "ViVi". The Q&A video was released on the 27th.

After each member "introduces themselves" in Japanese, they answer questions in a relay format such as "Favorite facial feature", "Best part of IVE", "Selfie pose", "Favorite food", and "IVE's charm".

I watched the video, but I wonder if this exchange will appear as an interview article in the June issue of "ViVi"...?

Wonyoung doesn't seem to have any trouble speaking Japanese. She answers questions right away.

Although she's halting, Yujin has also gotten quite good at speaking.

Perhaps because of Wonyoung and Lay, Gaeul, Iso and Liz have become quite good at hearing Japanese.

With Lay and Wonyoung as teachers, it seems like it will be a while before they can learn at a fast pace.

I hope that the COVID-19 pandemic clears up soon and IVE can come to Japan for a concert.

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