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Yuri is adorable today too... (Girls' Generation)

Yuri is adorable today too... (Girls' Generation)

Girls' Generation Yuri showed off her unchanged innocent charm.

Yuri (Girls' Generation) posted a photo on her Instagram on the afternoon of the 1st with a short comment, "Be careful not to catch a cold... dress warmly."

In the published photo, Yuri is smiling brightly at the camera while holding up her fluffy fur-decorated knit. She attracted attention by showing off her innocent charm with light makeup and long straight hair down.

Netizens who saw this commented, "Yuri yeon-ni (a term used by women to call older women), you're still as pretty as ever," "Your clothes look really warm," and "Nuna (a term used by men to call older women), please be careful not to catch a cold too."

Girls' Generation is currently performing as an eight-member group after member Jessica left the group.

(From Entertainment News)

Yuri is expressive and adorable. People have commented that "Yuri-on-ni (a term used by women to refer to older women), you're still as beautiful as ever," but her youthful demeanor would pass for that of a twenty-year-old.

However, when she left idol status, she was a respectable adult woman of 25.

Jessica is now starting up a fashion brand, and as a preparation for that, she has been making more appearances in the entertainment news column, making full use of her connections.

No longer needing to behave like an idol in front of her fans, she seems to have returned to being a woman her age. This is probably because she has left the idol group Girls' Generation, gained her freedom, and let go of everything.

However, the reason she is such a hot topic is because of the status she cultivated as a member of Girls' Generation. She is making the most of that right now, and her real test will be in six months to a year.

Meanwhile, Yuri, who appears here, is still sticking to her idol style. Am I the only one who feels a little uneasy when I see this expression?

It's not because I've seen Jessica go solo, but I get the feeling that this kind of performance by these girls may be reaching a turning point soon.

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