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A star’s first image is their strongest style (Girls’ Generation)

A star’s first image is their strongest style (Girls’ Generation)

Girls’ Generation’s funny photo of Tiffany and Taeyeon is a hot topic.

Taeyeon posted a photo of her and Tiffany on her Instagram on the 31st with the caption “True beauty is not worrying about laughing loudly (TRUE BEAUTY. does not care LOL). Big mouth. Naturalist.”

In the photo, Taeyeon and Tiffany are making funny expressions, such as slanting their eyes and opening their mouths wide. With this photo, Taeyeon and Tiffany have forgotten the girl group image they have maintained for a while and have made people laugh with their funny expressions.

Netizens who came across the photo of Taeyeon and Tiffany responded with comments such as “Their expressions are lively,” “They are more attractive,” and “They are beautiful even in funny photos.”
(From Entertainment News)

I work from Monday to Saturday.

These days, it's only on Sundays that I can leisurely read articles about Korean stars and K-pop stars.

I've been posting the drama "Go Geum Soon" on my blog, but on weekdays, I'm busy just sketching the drama.

I wish I could post it at my leisure, but there are circumstances that mean I have to post one episode per day.

It takes a lot of time to finish writing. If I finish writing this while watching the drama, there are often only times left for meals, baths, etc. before going to bed.

Today is Sunday, so I was able to finish writing "Geum Soon..." at my own pace.

This article came up when I was reading through articles about Girls' Generation.

This photo of Taeyeon and Tiffany is hilarious. It's so funny that I laughed out loud.

★ "True beauty is not afraid to laugh out loud (TRUE BEAUTY. does not care LOL). They have big mouths. They are naturalists."

That's absolutely true, yes.

I think their female fans have grown to love them more.

But I don't know... I laughed a lot this time, but I honestly think they should put a stop to these comedic photos for a while.

So they shouldn't do it too often. My image of them might change if I see them again in two weeks, so I hope they do something a little different when I've forgotten about them.

I'm a man, I'm a romanticist, and I definitely prefer the dashing, beautiful, and cute girls.

You appeared before me looking pretty and cool (you had beautiful legs). I hope you never forget that tension (I listened to Taeyeon's song in Hong Gil Dong's drama today and was so moved I nearly cried).

Just as someone who starts out as a comedian can never become a great idol, a star should remember that the image they create from the beginning is the strongest style they can have. Of course, it's understandable that they sometimes want to go off on a tangent...

But even so, this photo is hilarious. Ahahahaha!

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