

Ready to move in? Check out the tourist information around Hotel Kuki.

2025-02-25 09:03:53 | 日記
Thank you very much for visiting our website.
Kinonene Co., Ltd. operates a restaurant business called Ryotei Kinonene and a accommodation business called Hotel Kuki in Kuki City, Saitama Prefecture. and Hotel Kuki in Kuki City, Saitama Prefecture.
#Hotel Kuki in #Kuki City, Saitama Prefecture.
Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening.
How did everyone spend the end of the three-day weekend?
It was a cold windy three-day weekend in Kuki. The weather is said to be like spring from the end of the holidays.
Spring is the season for moving. Recently, an increasing number of guests have been using the hotel for preliminary inspections before moving.
The hotel has been stocking up on tourist information on the area around Hotel Kuki. We have stocked up on sightseeing maps and other information on Kuki, Shiraoka, Hasuda, Satte and Sugito.
Please make use of this information!

Hotel Kuki 0480-22-6522

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