西表島おさんぽ気分&NEST Iriomtoe 日々の出来事♪


22th・ Pinaisara Waterfall ♪

2011年03月24日 | 西表おさんぽ気分ツアー日記/西表島カヌー・カヤックアウトドアツアー
Today afternoon, We went to Pinaisara Waterfall with David & Kristina.
They are from England.
They have traveled around Japan since March 10th for 4 weeks.

They arrived befor terrible earthquake
David & Kristina pray to over come from this happen.......

It was little rain, but we enjoyed Kayaking & Trekking.
Good exercised for good beer

Thank you very much.
I hope you will have wounderfull time, the rest of your trip
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