┃ドキュメンタリー映画『The Beatles: Get Back』2020年9月4日全米公開!┃
2020(令和二)年03月16日(月) TOPICS
ピーター・ジャクソン監督のドキュメンタリー映画『The Beatles: Get Back』
この新作映画では、伝説的なバンドのアルバム『レット・イット・ビー』の長時間に亘るレコーディング・セッションの模様を収めた未発表映像を、象徴的な屋上コンサートの全貌と共に それらを完全にレストアした状態でフィーチャーしている。
2020(令和二)年03月11日(水) カリフォルニア州バーバンク -ウォルト・ディズニー・スタジオは、以前から発表されていた、著名な映画監督ピーター・ジャクソンのビートルズのドキュメンタリー映画の世界的な配給権を取得したことを発表した。この作品は、伝説のバンドのスタジオ・アルバム『レット・イット・ビー』の制作過程と、グループとしての最後のライヴ・コンサートとなったロンドンのセヴィル・ローでの象徴的な屋上パフォーマンスを通して、彼らの真心、仲間意識、そしてユーモアが感じられる映画となっている。『The Beatles: Get Back』は、
2020(令和二)年09月04日(金)にウォルト・ディズニー・スタジオによってアメリカとカナダで公開予定で、その他の詳細、および、世界各国での封切り予定日などは追って発表予定。この情報は本日、ウォルト・ディズニー・カンパニーの取締役会長であるロバート・A・アイガーによって発表された。「ビートルズほどの規模で世界にインパクトを与えたバンドはかつてなく、『The Beatles: Get Back』は、音楽史において非常に重要な出来事となった瞬間に、これらの天才クリエイターたちの制作風景を最前列の席で目の当たりにできる機会となります。そしてその見事に復元された映像は、まるでそれらが昨日撮影されたばかりのもののようです」アイガーは、発表の場でそう語った。「私自身もビートルズの大ファンなので、9月にピーター・ジャクソン監督の素晴らしいドキュメンタリーを世界中の観客の皆様と共有できることは大きな喜びです」
アップル・コア・リミテッドとウィングナット・フィルムズ・プロダクションズ・リミテッドとの協力によってウォルト・ディズニー・スタジオが配給する映画『The Beatles: Get Back』は、史上最高の影響力を持つバンドであるザ・ビートルズ と、3度のオスカーの受賞歴のある映画監督ピーター・ジャクソン(『ロード・オブ・ザ・リング』の3部作)とのエキサイティングな新しいコラボレーションである。 1969年にマイケル・リンゼイ=ホッグが撮影した映像からの55時間以上の未公開映像と、『レット・イット・ビー』アルバムのセッションからの140時間に及ぶほぼ未発表のオーディオ・レコーディングを元にした『The Beatles: Get Back』は、ジャクソンが監督を務め、ジャクソン、クレア・オルセン(『彼らは生きていた』)とジョナサン・クライドがプロデューサーを、そして、ケン・カミンズとアップル・コアのジェフ・ジョーンズがエグゼクティヴ・プロデューサーを務めている。映像はニュージーランドのウェリントンのパーク・ロード・ポスト・プロダクションによって見事に復元され、2018(平成30)年の『彼らは生きていた』でジャクソンとタッグを組んだジャベス・オルセンによって編集が行なわれている。『彼らは生きていた』は、第一次世界大戦のアーカイヴ映像を復元し、着色した画期的な映画だった。映画で使用する音楽は、ロンドンのアビイ・ロード・スタジオでジャイルズ・マーティンとサム・オケルによってミキシングされる予定だ。この驚異の修復技術により、観客はこの『The Beatles: Get Back』でカラフルで楽しく、没入感のある体験を楽しむことができるだろう。ピーター・ジャクソン監督のコメント:「このプロジェクトは、嬉しい発見の連続でした。史上最も偉大なバンドが、仕事をしたり、ふざけたり、傑作を作り出す現場を、こっそりと覗き見する特権を与えられたのですから。ディズニーが配給会社として名乗りを上げてくれたことに興奮しています。私たちの映画を最も多くの人々に見てもらうために、これほどふさわしい会社は他にありません」
また、この『The Beatles: Get Back』は、ヨーコ・オノ・レノンとオリビア・ハリスンの熱烈な支持の元に製作されている。オリジナルの映画『レット・イット・ビー』はマイケル・リンゼイ=ホッグが監督し、それに付随するアルバム『レット・イット・ビー』は1969(昭和44)年1月に撮影・録音されたが、ビートルズが正式に解散してから3週間後の1970年5月までリリースされなかった。観客や批評家による当時の映画に対する反応は、解散の発表と連動したものだった。映画『レット・イット・ビー』の撮影から公開までの15か月間に、ビートルズは最後のスタジオ・アルバム『アビイ・ロード』を録音して、1969年9月にリリースした。16mmで撮影され、35mmに引き伸ばされたされた80分間の映画『レット・イット・ビー』は、編集された屋上コンサートを含む、3週間分の撮影映像を中心に構成されていた。そしてグラミー賞受賞した『レット・イット・ビー』アルバムは、アメリカとイギリスでチャートのトップに輝いた。新しいドキュメンタリーは、『レット・イット・ビー』の親密なレコーディング・セッションの様子や、セヴィル・ロウにあるアップルのロンドン事務所の屋上での42分間のパフォーマンスの全貌に焦点を当てたものとなる。ザ・ビートルズのキャリアの初期のころのツアー映像などは材料に不足はなかったものの、この『The Beatles: Get Back』は、ジョン・レノン、ポール・マッカートニー、ジョージ・ハリスン、リンゴ・スターが、スタジオでカメラに向かって笑ったり、ふざけたりして楽しみながら、今では名曲となった曲をゼロから作る創作活動の様子を捉えた映像をフィーチャーしたものとなる。
The Beatles Official Page:原文はこちらhttps://www.thebeatles.com/news/walt-disney-studios-release-acclaimed-filmmaker-peter-jackson’s-documentary-beatles-get-back
Photo: (c)1969 Paul McCartney / Photographer: Linda McCartney
New film features extensive, never-before-seen footage of the legendary band’s "Let It Be" recording sessions along with the entire iconic rooftop concert, fully restored BURBANK, Calif. (March 11, 2020)?The Walt Disney Studios has acquired the worldwide distribution rights to acclaimed filmmaker Peter Jackson’s previously announced Beatles documentary. The film will showcase the warmth, camaraderie and humor of the making of the legendary band’s studio album, "Let It Be," and their final live concert as a group, the iconic rooftop performance on London’s Savile Row. "The Beatles: Get Back" will be released by The Walt Disney Studios in the United States and Canada on September 4, 2020, with additional details and dates for the film’s global release to follow. The announcement was made earlier today by Robert A. Iger, Executive Chairman, The Walt Disney Company, at Disney’s annual meeting of shareholders.
"No band has had the kind of impact on the world that The Beatles have had, and ‘The Beatles: Get Back’ is a front-row seat to the inner workings of these genius creators at a seminal moment in music history, with spectacularly restored footage that looks like it was shot yesterday," says Iger of the announcement. "I’m a huge fan myself, so I could not be happier that Disney is able to share Peter Jackson’s stunning documentary with global audiences in September."
"The Beatles: Get Back," presented by The Walt Disney Studios in association with Apple Corps Ltd. and WingNut Films Productions Ltd., is an exciting new collaboration between The Beatles, the most influential band of all time, and three-time OscarR-winning filmmaker Peter Jackson ("The Lord of the Rings" trilogy). Compiled from over 55 hours of unseen footage, filmed by Michael Lindsay-Hogg in 1969, and 140 hours of mostly unheard audio recordings from the "Let It Be" album sessions, "The Beatles: Get Back" is directed by Jackson and produced by Jackson, Clare Olssen ("They Shall Not Grow Old") and Jonathan Clyde, with Ken Kamins and Apple Corps’ Jeff Jones serving as executive producers.
The footage has been brilliantly restored by Park Road Post Production of Wellington, New Zealand, and is being edited by Jabez Olssen, who collaborated with Jackson on 2018’s "They Shall Not Grow Old," the groundbreaking film which featured restored and colorized World War I archival footage. The music in the film will be mixed by Giles Martin and Sam Okell at Abbey Road Studios in London. With this pristine restoration behind it, "The Beatles: Get Back" will create a vivid, joyful and immersive experience for audiences.
Peter Jackson says, "Working on this project has been a joyous discovery. I’ve been privileged to be a fly on the wall while the greatest band of all time works, plays and creates masterpieces. I’m thrilled that Disney have stepped up as our distributor. There’s no one better to have our movie seen by the greatest number of people."
Paul McCartney says, "I am really happy that Peter has delved into our archives to make a film that shows the truth about The Beatles recording together. The friendship and love between us comes over and reminds me of what a crazily beautiful time we had."
Ringo Starr says, "I’m really looking forward to this film. Peter is great and it was so cool looking at all this footage. There was hours and hours of us just laughing and playing music, not at all like the version that came out. There was a lot of joy and I think Peter will show that. I think this version will be a lot more peace and loving, like we really were."
"The Beatles: Get Back" is also being made with the enthusiastic support of Yoko Ono Lennon and Olivia Harrison.
Although the original "Let It Be" film, directed by Michael Lindsay-Hogg, and the accompanying album were filmed and recorded in January 1969, they were not released until May 1970, three weeks after The Beatles had officially broken up. The response to the film at the time by audiences and critics alike was strongly associated with that announcement. During the 15-month gap between the filming of "Let It Be" and its launch, The Beatles recorded and released their final studio album, "Abbey Road," which came out in September 1969.
Shot on 16mm and blown up to 35mm, the 80-minute "Let It Be" movie was built around the three weeks of filming, including an edited version of the rooftop concert. The GRAMMYR-winning "Let It Be" album topped the charts in the U.S. and the U.K.
The new documentary brings to light much more of the band’s intimate recording sessions for "Let It Be" and their entire 42-minute performance on the rooftop of Apple’s Savile Row London office. While there is no shortage of material of The Beatles’ extensive touring earlier in their careers, "The Beatles: Get Back" features the only notable footage of the band at work in the studio, capturing John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr as they create their now-classic songs from scratch, laughing, bantering and playing to the camera.
Shot on January 30, 1969, The Beatles’ surprise rooftop concert marked the band’s first live performance in over two years and their final live set together. The footage captures interactions between the band members, reactions from fans and employees from nearby businesses, and comical attempts to stop the concert by two young London policemen responding to noise complaints.
A fully restored version of the original "Let It Be" film will be made available at a later date.
The Beatles Night!Album『LET IT BE』50th Anniversary Special Live!
†2020(令和二)年05月08日(金) 開場:18:30 開演:19:30
まほろ座 MACHIDA 東京都町田市森野1-15-13
ビートルズの名盤"LET IT BE“の発売50周年を記念してビートルズのスペシャリストがアルバム全曲をライブで再現します!
Across the Universe
マブジョン〔馬渕英将〕(as John Lennon)
寄本慎司(as Paul McCartney)
シェイク木本(as George Harrison)
新井俊之(as Ringo Starr)
【前売/当日】\4,500 / \5,000(別途2オーダー以上)
2020(令和二)年05月08日(金) 0:00 プレイガイド:Livepocket https://t.livepocket.jp/e/200508
2020(令和二)年05月07日(木) 19:30 まほろ座
・TEL 042-732-3139(16:00~19:30)
・E-MAIL ticket@mahoroza.jp
┃ 『GET BACK NAKED...ゲット・バック・ネイキッド』 ┃
┃ 1969年、ビートルズが揺れた22日間 ┃
‡2020(令和二)年05月08日(金) 青土社 著:藤本国彦 \2640(電子書籍)
1969(昭和44)年01月03日(金) ポール・マッカートニー「やってることを楽しめるようになるための作業だ。またやり直すための。次に僕らがやりたいのは何だろう? 僕はライヴ・ショーがやりたい。君たちは?」
┃ 『ルーフトップ・コンサートのビートルズ』 ┃
出版社:DU BOOKS \2420 \2299(電子書籍)
販売:Amazon Services International, Inc.
2020(令和二)年03月12日(木) NME JAPAN
ビートルズファン必見の映画「Let It Be」はアルバム50周年にリリースされるのか
レット・イット・ビー 2020!?
2019-05-06 19:15:00 テーマ:ビートルズ
ビートルズファン必見の映画「Let It Be」はアルバム50周年にリリースされるのか
レット・イット・ビー 2020!?
2019-05-06 19:15:00 テーマ:ビートルズ
1970(昭和45)年05月08日(fri) UK released
1970(昭和45)年05月18日(mon) US released
‡1970(昭和45)年06月05日(fri) JP released
1970(昭和45)年11月06日(fri) UK released 2nd Press
1971(昭和46)年02月25日(thu) JP released 2nd Press AP-80189変更 (第43回)アカデミー賞受賞レコード
1987(昭和62)年07月XX日(???) US released MFSL 1-109 モービル・フィディリティ盤
┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛by Dmitry Murashev
| Interview at Abbey Road Studios|No.65
‡1968(昭和43)年06月05日(wed) June 5
The Beatles enjoyed and preferred pirate radio stations as an alternative to BBC radio. Stations such as Radio London and Radio Luxembourg often got exclusive Beatle interviews because of this. Among their favorite disc jockeys was Kenny Everett of Radio London. Everett chatted and joked informally with John and the other Beatles in this interview which was taped at EMI's Abbey Road studios in London, during the early stages of the White Album sessions.
John: "So, we better turn the guitaring down a bit, little. So, Kenny, how are you goings?"
Kenny: "Oh, it's wonderful. Listen. First a few questions, then I'd like you to sing me a jingle. A goodbye jingle."
John: "Okay, a goodbye jingle."
Kenny: "What can we expect from you in the next few months? I've heard you're working on it."
John: (comical whisper) "Alot of brown paper bags, Kenny."
Kenny: (laughs)
John: "We're working very hard on that at the moment, the boys and me."
Kenny: "Anything tuney?"
John: "Oh yeah. There's alot of tunes we've found in the bags, actually."
Kenny: "I got told that you don't actually come in here with the idea of doing an album - it just sort of 'falls out' at the sessions."
John: "Mmm. Well, we have a vague idea, you know, Ken."
Kenny: "Yes."
John: (strumming and singing) "'As I was only saying the other day - we have a vague idea, but very vague - What's up? Very vague.'"
Kenny: (laughs)
John: "Just a bit of laughter, ladies and gentle-phones."
Kenny: "Have you done any actual complete numbers?"
John: "No. We're halfway through the second uncomplete number now."
Kenny: "You don't actually do them whole complete, finish with them, and then start another one?"
John: "See, we got to a stage with one where the next bit is (additional) musicians, so we'll have to write the musicans' bit. You see, you see."
Kenny: "Do you ever get to, umm - you've done your bit and you decide it would be good on its own, and then forget the musicians?"
John: "Oh yeah. Yeah."
Kenny: "Yeah."
John: (slide guitar and singing) "'Somebody stole my gal/ Somebody stole my pal.'"
Kenny: "Can you sing me a goodbye jingle? It doesn't have to rhyme or anything."
John: (slide guitar and singing) "'Goodbye jingle/ Goodbye jingle goodbye/ Goodbye.'"
Kenny: "Wonderful. (laughs) Are there any particular records at the moment..."
John: "Oh yeah, let me think - Nilsson. One of Nilsson's."
Kenny: "Which one, particularly? As you know we've played quite a few of them."
John: "Yes. Oh, let me think, Ken, for the moment. Uhh... 'River Deep Mountain Dew.'"
Kenny: "Yeah?"
John: (strumming and singing) "'When I was a little baby my mama used to SMASH me in the cradle/ Pickin' those old cotton fields back home/ When mama was a little bitty baby she used to SMASH me in my cradle/ When I was a little bitty baby back home.'"
Kenny: "That was impressario John Lennon playing for you. and now, a few words from him."
John: "Enzay cuzum dadey stobidacho, Charlie. Masik consip. Wezamarchi chewano wita tomata tawiaty. Wertum moriaty conan dia. Kenny Everetto, M B E."
Kenny: "So that's what India taught you?"
John: "Exactly."
Kenny: "Did you come back with anything incredibly fantastic?"
John: "Yes. A beard."
Kenny: "Yeah. I met Donavon the other day on a show, and he looked a little better for it."
John: "Yes, it was very healthy, you know."
Kenny: "I got a photograph of you in the Daily Mirror standing in a sheet. You look very peaceful."
John: "That's called a benuse, Kenny, and I got it from Moracco." (laughs)
Kenny: "Really?"
John: (jokingly) "Standing in a sheet - What do you mean?"
Kenny: "It looked like a sheet."
JONH: "Well they do. Benuses look very, very like sheets, see, so the lower classes in Moracco don't feel too put out - having only the sheets to wear."
Kenny: "Do you have anything to say about anything you've recorded so far?"
John: "We've just done two tracks, both unfinished. The second one is Ringo's first song that we're working on this very moment."
Kenny: "He composed it himself?"
John: "He composed it himself in a fit of lithargy."
Kenny: "and what do you think about it?"
John: "I think it's the most wonderful thing I've ever heard since Nilsson's River Deep Mountain Dew. (strumming and singing) 'Kenny Everett/ It's the Kenny Everett show.'"
Kenny: "Are you composing this straight out of your head?"
John: "This is ad nausium - straight from the mouth that bit me."
Kenny: "I don't know how he does it, friends."
John: "Neither do I, friends. He's sitting here cross-legged on the amplifier, strumbling away. I hope we're gonna hear this, listeners, because we have alot of fun doing 'em, but never quite hear them, listeners. Never quite hear them when you get home."
Kenny: "Well, I will play this completely, all the way through, just for you."
John: "Right."
Kenny: "What kind of guitar is that? It's very strange looking."
John: "A fretless guitar."
Kenny: "How's business with Apple?"
John: "Oh, it's... I mean, what can I say? I couldn't ask for any more tapes, or bits of paper."
Kenny: (jokingly) "They won't get that, either. But still..."
John: "So, wonderful radio wonders...!"
Kenny: "Ask me a few questions."
John: "Okay, Kenny. What are you doing?"
Kenny: (pause) "Well, at the moment, I'm having a daily show come on soon."
John: "Really? So they haven't sacked you? I was getting you a job with the Isle of Man. I put in a word for you with Ronald Manks."
Kenny: "If you were stranded away on a desert island, what one grammophone record would you take with you, excluding the Bible and Sgt Peppers for obvious reasons."
John: (laughs) "One grammophone record? Uhh... (pause) It hasn't been made yet."
Kenny: (laughing) "You don't think there's any records worth taking?"
John: "Not all the way to a desert island."
Kenny: "When you produce something of such high standards as your last album, don't you think that you've really got to strive to produce something a bit better?"
John: "No. It only got high because everybody said how high it was. It's no higher than it was when we made it."
Kenny: (laughs) "Yes. There are hidden meanings in that one, ladies and gentlemen."
John: (comical voice) "No. What I mean, Kenny, is that it doesn't pose a problem. It was so long ago we've forgotten what it was about anyway. and let me put it this way..."
(long silence)
Kenny: "That's it? (laughs) Hey, listen. You were saying, last time I met you, that you hadn't really had a chance to listen to Sgt Pepper because you'd been so busy making it."
John: "I don't think I ever did listen to it, since we made it, properly. I heard bits of it. I mean, I played it just after we made it, and that's it really. (laughs) But I like to hear it on the radio."
Kenny: "Alright, shall I play it?"
John: "Yes, that'd be nice."
Kenny: "Ladies and gentlemen, Sgt Pepper!"
John: "Mmmm."
Kenny: "Do you think Paul and you could do a duo-harmony jingle?"
John: "Well, you'd have to get him."
Kenny: "Paul? Can you come and do a goodbye jingle?"
Paul: "Oh! Why, sure Kenny!"
John: (strumming and singing) "'Goodbye to Kenny Everett/ He is our very pal.'"
Paul: (singing along) "'Jingle, jingle. Very pal. Jingle.'"
John: (sings) "'Goodbye Kenny Everett/ and old Mount Everett, too.'"
John and Paul: (singing) "'and it's a goodbye rousing cresendo!'"
Kenny: "Thank you, John. Thank you, Paul"
John: "Wonderful."
Paul: (giggles like singer Tiny Tim) "Ooo-hoo."
John: (excitedly) "Play Tiny Tim! That's what you gotta play! Tiny Tim! He's the greatest ever, man! You see if I aint right, Kenny Everett! He's the greatest fella on earth! Play Tiny Tim, gentle-readers."
Kenny: "Tiptoe Through The Tulips."
Paul: "He's real."
John: "He's real, man. We saw him."
Paul: "I mean, he's good with it. It's like - it's a funny joke at first. But it's not, really. It's real and it's true."
John: "He's great. (sings) 'Tiny Tim for President/ Oh, Tiny Tim for Queen!'"
Kenny: "Thank you, Ronald."
John: (to George) "He'd like to interview with my cohorts for a following few month show."
George: "What is it?"
John: "The Kenny Everett Show."
George: (excitedly) "Oh, great! Well, it's nice to be on the air again! Beatle George speaking from the EMI Studios."
Paul: (Tiny Tim giggle) "Ooo-hoo!"
Kenny: "It's my last show next week."
George: "Is it? Got the sack, did you?"
Ringo: (pounding on drum and singing) "'Goodbye Kenny, it's good to see you back/ Goodbye Kenny, we hear you got the sack!'"
George: "You've got an LP, there."
Paul: (Tiny Tim voice) "Ooo-hoo, it's nice to be here!"
Kenny: "Okay Henry, wrap it up."
Paul: (American accent) "Goodbye Kenny, and thank you for all you've done for us in the past."
Kenny: "It's been a pleasure."
Paul: (American accent) "You're wrong, Kenny. It has NOT been a pleasure!"
John: "Repeat - Not! N, O, T, O!"
Kenny: "Give us a rousing chorus of 'Strawberry Fields Forever' in jazz tempo."
John: "'Strawrberry Fields Forever, cha ch-cha cha!'"
Paul: "'Let me take you down, pah pah, 'cuz I'm going to - ahh! Strawberry Fields - ahh! Nothing is real.'"
John: "Ho-hay! Hep me!"
Paul: "'and nothing to be going with!'"
John: "Hoop-hay. I tell ya, pooo-ahhh!"
Kenny: "That's the end. Let's go out like that!"
(the tape speed switches to chipmunk voices)
John: (yells) "What speed is it?!!"
Kenny: "Seven and a half."
John: "Oh, you crumbs!"
Source: Audio copy of the interview