
過去の今日のTHE BEATLESだヨ(=^◇^=)


①┃ THE BEATLES of 1963  ┃(thu)28 March
 Radio broadcast『On The Scene』
 BBC Light Programme, 5.00 - 5.29 pm
 Recorded 21 March 
 Concert: ABC Cinema, London Inn Square, Exeter, Devonshire
 "Gary Brady who went to see the Beatles in 1963 remembers:
 "In 1963 I went to the Savoy Cinema to see the The Beatles live on stage - jelly babies were everywhere. This was at the beginning of their fabulous career, you couldn't read a paper, magazine or turn on the television without the Beatles being mentioned............The following day after the concert whilst at work I was told that the Beatles were just leaving the Rougemont Hotel where they were staying - I immediately ran to the Rougemont Hotel where the Fab Four were just walking though the front of the hotel and I literally bumped into them. I stood there and just looked at their haircuts and the customised dark clothing. It made quite an impression." 
 Another fan remembered the Beatles dropping into a record store opposite the ABC in London Inn Square at the time of the same show. Paul McCartney asked the fan if the store stocked their first LP, Please Please Me, that had only just been released. The fan grabbed a paper bag for the Beatles to autograph. The bag came up for auction in 2006 with an estimated price of £3,000."
 Source: http://www.exetermemories.co.uk/EM/60s_entertainment.html 
 "This great set of signatures includes an autograph book page signed John, Paul, George, and Ringo, each very nicely in blue ballpoint, with Paul adding "Beatles" above his signature. The page was signed on March 28, 1963, when the Fab Four played at the ABC Cinema in Exeter, Devonshire, England, while on tour with Chris Montez and Tommy Roe. The page is matted along with two others, one signed by Roe and the other signed by singer Helen Shapiro, (for whom the band served as opening act in what was their first national tour), along with a handbill touting "1962: The Beatles Year of Achievement.""
 Source: Heritage Auction Galleries, October 2006 
②┃ THE BEATLES of 1963  ┃(thu)21 March
 Radio recording:『On The Scene』
 Studio One, BBC Piccadilly Studios, 201 Piccadilly, London
 rehearsal: 10.00 am
 recording: 01.00 pm - 2.00 pm
‡broadcast: 05.00 pm - 5.29 pm, 28 March, BBC Light Programme
 ♪Do You Want To Know A Secret♪
 ♪Please Please Me♪
③┃ THE BEATLES of 1963  ┃(wed)20 March
 Concert: ABC Cinema, South Street, Romford, Essex
 "She may be a sensible grandmother-of-nine now, but 50 years ago last week, Val Taylor, 64, along with pal Pip Smith, 63, were star-seeking schoolgirls who had heard about a concert at Romford's ABC Cinema. 
 The gig was after school on Wednesday, March 20, 1963, and the friends, along with another two teens they had just met, casually boarded the entertainers' bus, in South Street. They got three autographs from a band of four - John, Paul and Ringo - but the names meant nothing to them. Just three months later the group, known as The Beatles, returned to play the Odeon Cinema, in Romford. Here Val, from Mawney Road, Romford, recalls the events, and the day she helped Paul McCartney carry his bags to the backstage door. 
 "My friend, Pip, and I were 14 years-old at the time and attended Chase Cross Girls' School (now Bower Park). We decided to catch a bus into Romford after school and wait outside the ABC Cinema to try and get a glimpse of some of the "stars" and maybe some autographs. We werent allowed to go to the show, however, as our parents thought we were too young! 
 "We duly waited outside the ABC cinema, with two other girls who I think were from Petits Lane School (now Marshalls Park). Eventually, a coach pulled up and all the performing artists were on it (not that we knew who any of them were!). The four of us girls were allowed to get on the coach and we went up and down, asking for autographs. There was no hysteria, no screaming, and none of us really knew who was who. 
 "For this reason, I ended up with two autographs from Paul McCartney, along with John Lennon and Ringo Starr. I missed George somehow or I would have had the whole set! I still have the autographs in my autograph book, which I treasure. 
 "Pip and I helped Paul carry his bags off the coach and up to the stage door. We asked him if we could come in and he said he didn't think the doorman would allow it! 
 "The next time The Beatles came to Romford was a totally different matter. I queued outside the Odeon from 5.30am for tickets and a photo of us was featured in the Recorder I believe. I was wearing a black and white check "jockeys cap" (cringe!) We had front row seats and I remember Ringo nodding and smiling at us, which of course, sent us into fits of screaming! 
 "In those days, there were numerous tours featuring all the pop groups performing at the same gig. I think we saw just about everyone who was popular in the 60s ranging from The Stones, Johnny Kid & The Pirates, The Hollies, Gerry & The Pacemakers, The Searchers, Billy J Kramer & The Dakotas and of course, The Beatles. 
 "Pip and I both still live in Romford and meet up regularly. We clearly remember that afternoon after school when we met the Beatles and I think we both secretly were annoyed we were in our school uniforms!""
‡Source:(thu)28 March 2013『Romford Recorder』
 ┃ ビートルズ詳解 The Beatles’Corpus ┃
 1962(昭和37)年03月28日(水) ライヴ演奏1:キャバーン・クラブ (昼) /リヴァプール
 1962(昭和37)年03月28日(水) ライヴ演奏2:キャバーン・クラブ (夜) /リヴァプール
 ┃ THE BEATLES HISTORY ┃| March 28|087
 ┃    ザ・ビートルズの今日の出来事   ┃|3月28日|
 1961(昭和36)年03月28日(火) 4月1日からスタートする2度目のハンブルグ巡業のための準備をしていたと思われる。実際、メンバーはピートの家で、ハンブルグの「トップテン・クラブ」のオーナーであるペーター・エクホルンと電話で出演契約の打ち合わせをしている。また前回の巡業で強制送還となったポールとピートの送還費用をエクホルンが支払ってくれており、ピート・ベストの母親のモナ・ベストも西ドイツ当局に誓約書を何通も送ったことも幸いして、無事に西ドイツへの入国許可がおりた。またジョージは18歳になり、年齢制限もクリアされていた。
 1962(昭和37)年03月28日(水) キャバーン・クラブでランチタイム・セッションと夜の部のステージに出演。
********** http://www.thebeatles.co.jp/contents/index2.htm
 ┃ THE BEATLES Live 1961 ┃
‡(tue)28 March 1961 Hamburg, Germany, The Top Ten Club ※27 March~2 July 1961
‡No.18 (thu)28 March 1963 Exeter, ABC Cinemas 
 参考パンフ■The Beatles/Chris Montez/Tommy Roe 1963 Tour Programme £130.00 22:18 2017/03/18 9th March 1963 to 31st March 1963. A 12 page UK Beatles tour programme with Chris Montez/ Tommy Roe headlining. It measures 20cm x 26cm (8inches x 10inches). Condition is very good plus.

 ┃ 『ON THE SCENE』 ┃BBC 11st appearance
  1963/3/21(thu)  rec. 1:00-2:00pm Number 1 Studio, Piccadilly Theatre, London
 ‡1963/3/28(thu) trans 5:00-5:29pm
  ♪Misery♪ ※書籍『ザ・ビートルズ全記録1』には演奏したとの記述あり
  ♪Do You Want To Know A Secret♪  書籍『BBCアーカイブズ』の演奏曲リストには記載なし
  ♪Please Please Me♪         
********* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dig_It_(Beatles_song)
 http://beatleslist.web.fc2.com/bbc.html http://www.webers-records.com/134_1420.html
 ┃ THE BEATLES on film and television  1965 ┃
‡(sun)28 March 1965『Thank Your Lucky☆Stars』The Beatles took a break from filming 'Help!' to record their final appearance on 'Thank Your Lucky Stars' for ABC Televison on Birmingham. They mimed to 'Eight Days a Week', 'Yes It Is' and 'Ticket to Ride'. The show was broadcast on 3 April 1965 and though at least one still picture is around, the film is thought to be lost. 
 ┃ THE BEATLES TV Appearance Photos Quick-Reference Guide 1962-1970 ┃
‡(sun)28 March 1965『Thank Your Lucky☆Stars』(rehearsal)
‡(sun)28 March 1965『Thank Your Lucky☆Stars』

  ┛THE BEATLES 1967 Recording Sessions ┛Studio 2
 ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓overdub onto take 10
①┃ ♪Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!♪  ┃tape reduction take 10 into take 11
 ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛overdub onto take 11, unnumbered take
  No.3, アビイ・ロード第2スタジオ。2月17日の第9テイクに、ニール・アスピノール(ロード・マネージャー)マル・エヴァンス(ロード・マネージャー)リンゴ、ジョージがハーモニカを、ジョンがハモンド・オルガンを、ポールがギターをオーバーダブする。
 ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓Effects assembly for ♪Good Morning Good Morning♪
②┃ ♪Good Morning Good Morning♪  ┃overdub onto take 9
 ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛No.4, ■レコラス???????■ジョンのリード・ヴォーカルを録音(2月16日のボーカル録音はリダクションの際に消された?)その後にリダクションミックスして空きトラックを作り、コーラスとポールによるリードギターを録音。これが第11テイクとなる。そしてジョンは「エンディングに動物の鳴き声を入れたい」と言い出したのだが「(生態系として)弱い者順に並べてくれよ!」と要望があったために。ジェフ・エメリックはまたも苦労する事に(厳密に言うと、実際はそういう風になっていない)このSEテープは翌日にもう少し調整された後にオーバーダブされて、この曲は完成に至った
  Producer: George Martin
  Engineer: Geoff Emerick
  2nd Engineer: Richard Lush
  Visit at the studio: Peter Blake

 ┃ Lost Weekend 失われた週末は本当に失われていたのか・・・  ┃2012(平成24)年2月11日(sat)  
‡1974(昭和49)年3月28日ジョンがプロデューサーとなりニルソンのアルバム『プシー・キャッツPussy Cats』の録音がLAのバーバンク・スタジオで開始される。この日の夜遅くNYに来ていたポール・マッカートニーとリンダがひょっこりと姿を見せます。ジョンとポールはビートルズ解散後、最初で最後のジャム・セッションを行います。途中からはスティーヴィー・ワンダーも加わったというこのセッション、テープが回っていればなぁ。
(追記:と書きましたが、しっかりテープが回っていたようで、過去に『A TOOT AND A SNORE IN '74』というタイトルのブートレグも出たことがあるようです。ジョンとポールにスティーヴィー・ワンダー、ニルソン、ジェシ・ディヴィス、ジム・ホーンが参加してのジャムのようです。演奏はかなり荒いですが音源がアップされていましたのでどうぞ)
 ┃ ジョン・レノンとポール・マッカートニー 幻のセッション'74 ┃(thu)March 28 1974
 音源◆Lennon/McCartney『A Toot and a Snore In '⑦④』v.1  http://youtu.be/m0n-ahD8TUw
 音源◆A Toot And A Snore In '74 John Lennon Paul McCartney FULL CD. VERY RARE  https://youtu.be/nrSSxlu4ns8
 音源◆John Lennon & Paul McCartney - Jam Session, https://youtu.be/-s-LJ2NQBmo
‡(thu)March 28 1974 Burbank Studios, Los Angeles, Lennon was producing Harry Nilsson's latest album, Pussy Cats, when Paul and Linda McCartney dropped in after the first night of the sessions, aka "the Jim Keltner Fan Club Hour", at Burbank Studios on 28 March 1974. They were joined by Stevie Wonder, Harry Nilsson, Jesse Ed Davis, May Pang, Bobby Keys and producer Ed Freeman for an impromptu jam session.
 01. Intro [0:00]
 02. Jam [0:27]
 03. Studio Talk [2:56]
 04. Lucille [5:35]
 05. Midnight [11:35]
 06. Stand By Me [14:09]
 07. Stand By Me [16:26]
 08. Stand By Me [20:05]
 09. Cupid/Chain Gang/Take This Hammer [26:06]
 音源◆John Lennon & Paul McCartney reunite in 1974  https://youtu.be/t3uQsJCZngI
 John Lennon and Paul McCartney jam on "Stand By Me" in Los Angeles on March 28, 1974. [Taken from "A Toot and a Snore"]
 音源◆LA SESSION JOHN & PAUL May Pang  https://youtu.be/Kj-AGEuhcp0


 ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓Parlophone PSLP 261 (Included with Parlophone BC 13)
 ┃ 『The Beatles "Rarities"』 ┃Parlophone PCM 1001
 ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛October 12, 1979
 ┏━━━━━━━━┓ U.S.A.
 ┃ 『Rarities』 ┃March 28, 1980
 ┗━━━━━━━━┛Capitol SHAL 12060 
 ┃ ザ・ビートルズ 日本 シングル リリース ┃
 --.1996(平成八)年01月01日(月) - ♪Free As A Bird♪/♪I Saw Her Standing There♪/♪This Boy♪/♪Christmas Time (Is Here Again)♪ *CDのみの発売
‡--.1996(平成八)年03月28日(木) - ♪Real Love♪/♪Baby's In Black♪/♪Yellow Submarine♪/♪Here There And Everywhere♪ *CDのみの発売
 音源◆The Beatles At Home- Sgt. Pepper Era (1966/67) https://youtu.be/7Sytq8zx2Zg
 January 1967
 Good Morning Good Morning [6:17]





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