Don't spoil the ship,for a haporth.
( わずかのタールを塗るを惜しんで船を駄目にする)
Don't spoil the ship,for a haporth.
( わずかのタールを塗るを惜しんで船を駄目にする)
English Lesson ( 英語教室)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Lectuer: Ms. Fumiko Shichi: Basic Phrese: Where can I mail this letter./ Where can I catch a taxi ? / Where can I get a train ticket ? / Where shall we went ? / Where are we on this map ? / Where in Bangkok are you staying ? / I'm staying at a hotel on Khasan Road . / Where in Osaka are you staying ? / I'm staying with my sister in Senri./ Where in the US are you from?/ Date:2020.7.5/
Nagara Park ( 長良公園)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Nagara Park is located to the north of Mt .Kinka and Nagara River.There is a lot of flowers of the four seasons...../Visit Date:2020.7.4.14:00pm~14:30pm./
Don't throw the baby out with bathwater.
( たらいのお湯とともに赤ん坊を捨てるな。)
English Lesson ( 英語教室)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Lectuer : Ms.Fumiko Shichi:Basic Phrese: See you sround./ Nice to meet you ! / Welcome back ! / Power to the people./ Go for it./ So close ! / Don't give up ! / Keep it up ! / Come on ! / Life begins of foorty./ 2020.7.3/