人的サービス Jinteki Service


Gifu / Restaurant

2020-08-28 17:55:41 | 日記

Restaurant " Hirai " ( 平井)in Gifu City,Gifu prefecture,Japan./ Place: The restaurant " Hirai " is located to the north of the JR Gifu Station./Causine Name:Japanese meals./Service:Homely./ Taste:Good./Price:Cold Hiya-mugi( 700yen)./Atomosphere:Common./Value:★★/Visit Date:2020.8.28.12:00am~13:00pm./





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Gifu / English Lesson

2020-08-28 17:19:01 | 日記

English Lesson (英語教室)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Date and Time:2020.8.28.10:00am~11:30am./Place:Warakuen./Lecturer:Ms.Fumiko Shichi: / Content: Greeting./Conent:WFH: Work from home./Content:Poste: mean( After): posting:posted:posts:example: Has any post come for me ? I had alot of post today. I have a heavy post yesterday. Take this latter to the post ,please./ HNK World News: [ Osaka Naomi to return to tournament.] :Tennis star Osaka Naomi will return to the Western& Southern Open on Friday,reversing her decision to withdraw from the tournament in protest of the recent police shooting of a black man in the US state of Wisosin. The tournament's organizer said Osaka decided to take part in the event again at the request of the Women't Tennis Association....../Content: Katakana's English:Mug./ gurd.body guard.security guard./front desk.reception desk./department store./plastic bag./buffet-style restaurant./steering wheel./outlet. socket.powerpoint./studio./bargain goods. bargain day.bargain counter./one-size-fits-all./heater./cardboard./hair dryer./tea with lemon./weak coffee.strong coffee./sponge cake./soda./Content:present tence: I work a couple of days a week. I have enough savings. I still have a mortage. I have rental income from an apartment. I have high blood pressure. I go for a walk every morning. I eat moderately. I do the laundry myself. I have something to live for. I share the housework with my life. I live in my own house. I live a long way from town. I have three grandchildren. I get along with my mother-in-law. I keep in touch with my relatives./






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Today's Saying

2020-08-28 06:35:11 | ことわざ

Two wrongs don't make a right.

( 二っの悪行が一つの善行にならない。)

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Gifu / English Lesson

2020-08-28 06:24:58 | 日記

English Lesson ( 英語教室)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./Lectuer:Ms.Fumiko Shichi:Basic phrese:I should have made more friends./ He should have exercised more./ I have enough savings./ I still have a mortgage./ I am well-off financially./My pension is not enough./I want to win to lottery./I want to increase my savings./ I want to leave money to my family./I want to be financially indendent./Date:2020.8.28./

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Gifu / Mount Dodogamine

2020-08-28 06:16:20 | 日記

Mount Dodogamine ( 百ケ峰)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./Place:Mount Dodogamine is located to the north of Mount Kinka and Nagara River.Mount Dodogamine is 418m in height making it the tallest mountain in the Gifu City..../Visit Date:2020.8.27.15:00pm~18:00pm./






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