A stitch in time saves nine.
( 時を得た一針は九針の労を省く。)
English Lesson ( 英語教室)in Gifu city,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Lectuer.Mrs.Fumiko Shichi:( Basic English ):/ Thank you./You are welcome./ How are you ? / Just fine./ So long./See you later./ Coffee,Please./Scotch and water,Please./Show me someshirts,Please./I see./That's right./Excuse me./ That's all right./I'm sorry./Please speak more slowly./I peg your pardon? / May I have a coffee ? /May I ask you ?/May I come in ? /May I sit here ? / After you./ This way,Please./Let me see well ! / Listen./ Really ? / Just a moment ,Please./Wait a minutes./Date:2020.11.3./