Chinese Lesson ( 中国講座)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./Date and Time:2020.11.18.13:30pm~15:00pm./Place:Hakusan Center./Lectuer:Mrs.Tsu Shiraki./Content:Three Kngdoms period ( 三国時代): To distinguish the tree states from other historical Chinese states of the same names, historians have added a relevant characteto state's original name ;the state that called itself Wei is also known as Cao Wei (曽魏),the state that called or just Han (漢)is also known as Sho Han or Just Shu ,and the state that called itself Wu ( 呉)is also known as Eastern Wu ( 東呉)or Sun Wu Academically ,the period of the Three Kingdoms refer to the period between the foundation of the state of Wei in 220kD and the conquest of state of Wu by the Jin dynasty in 280.The earlier " unofficial" part of the period, from 184 to 220,in various part of China. The middle part of the period ,from 220 to 263,was marked by a more militarily stable arrangment between three rival states of We,Shu,and of Shu by Wei ( 263),the usurpation of Wei by the Jin dynasty ( 265),and the conquest of Wu by Jin ( 280)...../