English Conversation in Movies ( 映画で英会話)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,japan./ Date and Time:2022.11.17.13:30pm~15:00pm./ Place:Miyako Central Health Center/ Lecture:Mr.Syuichi Ito./ Contet: Inportant of Speark by English at every day./ Content:Review of last class ( November 17).~ Wors~ wind. window. wood.would./ Content:~Phrase ~You are right. You are a last man to do such a thing. One done,three to go. Charge goes up to ten. I owe you. Make a right. Turn to the right. Excuse me ? . Pardon? Pardon me? I beg your pardon ? Would you say it again? What hotel are you staying? What did that come from? What brought you to Japan? Attention Please. Pay attention./ Content: ~ hot~ This is a hot car. hot news. a hot item. hot jazz. Hot dog. He is hot on that movie. He was hot to tell me about it. He is hot in the game./ Content:" Pretty Woman"You can handle this.: Someshere.: looking for.: Ridiculous.: Not exactly.: Beg you pardon.: I know what that means.: You're joking.:Here we go.: a little bit.: tell me.: You gotta be joking.: Pretty stiff.: /