English Conversation in Movies ( 映画で英会話)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Date and Time:2022.12.1.13:30pm~15:00pm./ Place:Miyako Central Health Center./ Lectuer: Mr.Syuichi Ito/ Content:How to use a Greeting.Not Use " Are you fine ? " Use " How are you ? "/ Content: Last class: Word: on the table: above the table: over the table: upper: under the table: berneath the table: Underneath.:Up side down.Turn the box upside down.: Inside out: Backward. Turn the handle backward.: Clockwise. Turn the hande clockwise.: the other way around.: Turn around./ Content: Phrase: How have you been? Not Use:Long time.no see./ Content: Movie:Here we go. Here you go. Here we are. Here we are.Here I am. Here it is./ Content:a little bit. Do you want sugar in youe coffee? a little bit please. Are you studing English ? a little bit./ Nect Home work:Speech Test/