History Lesson " Journey in the Edo period" ( 江戸時代の旅)/ Date and Time:2023.8.8.13:30pm~15:00pm./ Place:Miyako Central Health Center./ Content: " Sengoku Period Missionary " ( 戦国時代の宣教師)/ Francis Xavier ( フランシスコ・ザビエル),7 April ( 1506 ~3 Decenber 1552)venerated as Saint Francis Xavier,was a Spanish Catholic missionary and saint who was a co-funder of the Society of Jesus. Born in the town of Xavier,Spain ,he was companion of Ignatuus of Loyola and one of the first seven Jesuitswh took vows of proverty and chastity at Montmartre Pais in 1534..../Lois Frois ( ルイス・フロイス)was portuguess missionary who worked in Asia during the second half of 16 the century. Frois was born in Lisbon in 1532. He was educated at the court of King Joao 3 of Porutugal, where a close relative served as scribe.At an early age, he started working for the Royal Secretary's office...../