Shopping " Valor Gifu Nagara Supper Market " ( バーロー岐阜長良店)/ A kind of good:Confectinary/ How many number:One ice cream/ Price:127yen/ How to payment:Card/ Date:2023.8.19.10:20am~10:25am./
Shopping " Valor Gifu Nagara Supper Market " ( バーロー岐阜長良店)/ A kind of good:Confectinary/ How many number:One ice cream/ Price:127yen/ How to payment:Card/ Date:2023.8.19.10:20am~10:25am./
English Lesson ( 3 ) / Lectuer.Mr.Syuichi Ito / ~Images of Shopping ~ / This is fragile,isn't it ? / I have a headache. / Yuck! It's really bitter. / My headache went away./ I can't stop sneezing./ I'd better go see a docter./ When is it my turn? / Date:2023.8.19./
English Conversation ( 2 )/ Lectuer.Mr.Syuichi Ito / ~Quick Response ~ / Be my guest / After you / Feel at home./ Make yourself at home. / Make youself comfortable./ Help yourself/ It's my pleasure./ Go for it./ I will get you./ Date:2023.8.19./
English Conversation ( 1 )( 英会話)/ Lectuer.Mr.Syuichi Ito / ~ Oops~/ It's yummy in my tummy./ Wonderful / Marvelous / Beautiful / Fantastic / Amazing / Horrble / Wired / Interesting / Perfect / Cool / Date:2023.8.19./
English Lesson ( 英語教室)/ Lectuer.Mrs.Mieko Onogi /~Irregular Verbs~/ draw drew drawn / drink drank drunk / drive drove driven / eat ate eaten/ fall fell fallen / feed fed fed / feel felt felt./Date:2023.8.19./