Shopping " Morera Uniglo Store"( モレラユニクロ店)/A kind of good:Clother/ How many number:One Pantsu and One Shirts/Price:2980yen/ How to payment:Card/Date:2024.11.17.14:30pm~15:00pm./
Shopping " Morera Uniglo Store"( モレラユニクロ店)/A kind of good:Clother/ How many number:One Pantsu and One Shirts/Price:2980yen/ How to payment:Card/Date:2024.11.17.14:30pm~15:00pm./
Restaurant " Gokoku of Morera " ( モレラ五穀)/ Cusine name:Japanese meals/ Service:Good/ Teste:Gokoku Lunch .Good/Price:1969yen/ Atomosphere:Comomon/Value:★★★/ Date:2024.11.17.11:40am~12:35am./
English Conversation ( 3 )/Lectuer.Mr.Syuichi Ito / Who cut the cheese? fart./Does it ring a bell? /I'm hungry. I can eat a horse./He is a last man to do such a thing./ Cooking is my thing./ The thing is,You have to study./ You kill me./ Give me hand./ It works./ I wll do./ You did it./ Well done./Good job./Date :2024.11.17./
English Conversation ( 2 )/ Lectuer.Mr.Syuichi Ito / ~Might~past tence of may~/ I may come back home tonight./ My son may have been late for the class./ When you come back home,I may not have finished cooking for dinner./ You might have won that prize if you had been a little more patient./Date:2024.11.17./
English Conversation (1)/Lectuer.Mr.Syuichi Ito / ~ASAP~/ As soon as possible./I will do as soon as I get home. Come to my./ Come to my office as soon as possible./ Wake uo as early as possible tomorrow morning./Date:2024.11.17./