English Conversation (1)/ Lectuer.Mr.Syuichi Ito / ~Time~Day ~/ Give me a time./ Give me a break / Hold on / Wait for me./ Wating list / Right away / After you./ Go ahead / Ok then / today / tomorrow /Yesterday / Date:2024.11.20./
English Lesson ( 2 ) ( 英語教室)/LectuerMrs.Mieko Onogi / Cash a traveller's chack,Please./Change this into dollars,Please./Currency of each country./Japanese yen /U,S Dollars / Pound sterling / Gearman Marks / French Francs / Spanish Pesetas./Date:2024.11.20./
English Lesson ( 2 ) ( 英語教室)/Lectuer.Mrs.Fumiko Shichi / He's really shy around people me doesn't know./Shy / My zipper was down,and I was really embarrassed./ I didn't realize that you were from New York./ Notice / Did you notice that Maria is wearin an engagement ring? /Date:2024.11.20./