Two blacks don't make a white.
( 二つの黒が一つの白にはならない。)
English Lesson ( 英語教室)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./Lectuer: Ms.Fumiko Shichi: Basic phrese: I have been on a tight budget./I have never traveled abroad./I want to ride a luxurious train./She hase visited Korea many times./He has made his will./We have never traveled abroad./ I want to be a millionnaire./ I don't want to get older./I should have exercised more./Date:2020.8.26./
Restaurant " Nigirino-Tokubei " in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Place:Nagara Branch./Cusine Name:Sushi meals./Taste:Good./Service:good./Price:One beer ( 640yen) One Shochu ( 440yen) Sushi ( 1500yen)./Atomosphere:Common./Value:★★/Visit Date:2020.8.25.16:00pm~17:00pm./
English Lesson ( 英語教室)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./Lectuer:Ms.Fumiko Shichi:Basic phrese: she will not work after retaire./He won't get married again./I am enjoying old age./I am living alone./ My husband is getting forgetfull./My mother is enjoying old age./ My father is living alone./ You are getting forgetfull./I have made my will./ I have visited Korea many times./Date:2020.8.26./