An ill marriage is a spring of ill fortune.
( まずい結婚は不幸の泉)~悪妻は百年の不作~
An ill marriage is a spring of ill fortune.
( まずい結婚は不幸の泉)~悪妻は百年の不作~
English Lesson ( 英語教室)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./Lectuer.Mrs.Fumiko Shichi ( Basic Phrase )~ Have a chat ~It's a nice day,isn't it ? /It's very hot an humid today./What's the temperation ? /It looks like rain./ I hope it will be fine./ Do you like baseball ? / I'm good sking./ What is your hobby ? / I like your shirt./ You are charming./ You are well informed./ To be with you makes me happy./~move or impress~/ It is very beautiful./ wonderful ! / Fantastic ! / Great ! / Incredible ! / It's unusual./ I agree. / Really ? /That was fund./Date:2020.11.30./
Mount Dodogamine ( 百々ケ峰)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./The Mount Dodogamine is located to the north of Mt.Kinka and Nagara River.The Mount Dodogamine is 417,9m in height making it tallest mountain in the Gifu City. The Mount Dodogamine held various flowers and Trees.The Autumn leaves is a red and yellow liaves. The Mount Dodogamine is fliying of various birds ...../Visit Date:2020.11.29.13:00pm~15:30pm./
Coffee Shop " Yamazaki "(やまざき珈琲店)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./Place:The Yamazaki coffee Shop is located to the north of Mount Doddogamine./Sercice:Good./ Coffee taste:common./Price:Breakfast special lunch ( 450yen )./Atomosphere:Good./Value:★★/Visit Date:2020.11.29.12:00am~12:30am./
English Conversation in Movie ( 映画で英語)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Lectuer.Mr.Shuichi Ito.( Anna and Snow'queen )~frozen ~( It doesn't make sence) / It happens / It's OK / It's tough /It bugs me /It depends /It happens / It's your fault /It's not my fault./( that )/ That's right / That's all right / That's a good idea /That sounds good / That irritate me./That's impossible./ That's not fair / That's it / That's not true / That's a question / That will make it / That will do / That's enough / That will do it / That's weird./Date:2020.11.29./