English Conversation in Movie ( 映画で英語)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./Lectuer.Mr.Shuichi Ito ( Anna and snow's gueen )~Leave it to me ~/ Leave me alone./ Leave it as it is./ The door was left open./ Don't leave the door open./~ I see ~/I understand./ I don't understand./ I got it./ I don't get it./ I think so./ I suppose so./ I hope so./ I guess so./ I agree./ I got you./ You say it./ I gocha./I'm sorry./ Forgive me. / You may be right./ May be./ May be not./ May I ? / I can't help it./Perhaps./Date:2020.11.27./
English Lesson ( 英語教室)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./Lectuer.Mrs.Emiko Onogi ( Simple English ) ~ play ~ /Mary plays golf,but she doesn't ski./Jim and Tom always play basketball on weekends./Oscar played the violin when he was young./My uncle sometimes plays cards for money./My aunt likes to play with children./ My cousin plays an important role in the personnel department./The movies is playing now./The movie is showing now./ Does music play an important role in your life ? / Date:2020.11.27./
The scholar may be better than the master.
( 青は藍をより出でて藍より青し。)
English lesson ( 英語教室)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./lectuer.Mrs.Fumiko Shichi ( Basic English )~I'm in trouble ~/I'm tired./I'm hungry / I'm thirsty / I can't find my baggage / I lost my purse / I had bag stolen./I't important./ I'm in a hurry./ I'm lost. /Please help me. / I feel sick./I have a stomachacke./ Please call a docter./Please call the police./ I's an emergency./Stop it./ Just a moment please./Date:2020.11.27./
Chizenin Temple ( 知善院)in Nagahama City,Shiga prefecture,Japan./Place:The Chizenin Temple is located to the east of JR Nagahama Station./And the Mountain:Houshouzan / Sect:Tendai Shinmorishu Sect./Formal Name:Houshouzan - Katsuyasuji -Chizenin./Principle image:Amida-nyorai./Visit Date:2020.11.26.15;00pm~/