English Conversation for Grown-Ups ( 大人の英会話)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Lectuer.Mr.Shuichi Ito./ ~ Roman Holiday Section 2~/ Well,small world. Yes-I-I almost forgot;can you lend me some money ? Oh,yeah;that's right,you didn't have any last night did you ? Mmm.How much how much was it that you wanted ? Well,I don't know how much I need. How much have you go ? Well,suppose we just split this fifty-fifty:here's a thousand Lira.A tousand ?!Can you really spare all that ? It's about a dollar and a half. Oh...Well,I-I'll arrange for it.to be sent back to you.What is your address ? Villa Marguta,fifty-one. Villa Marguta,fifty -one.Joe Bradley.Goodbye;thank you.Ah,double my money,eh? You tell me you want double my money Tomorrow,tomorrow,tomorrow.)that way ? Eh,tomorrow./Date:2021.8.28./