English Lesson (英語教室)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Lectuer.Mrs.Mieko Onogi ( ~Simple English ~ ) / ~Off~/ I went to the airport to see my friend off./Please turn off the heater./ Kevin jumped off the second floor balcony./ The fireman was off duty yesterday./ Mr.Ford got off the subway at 8:25 today./ The garbage is giving off a terrible smell./ His telephone was off because he didn't pay the bill./ It rined on and off yesterday./ Jim works on and off at the coffee shop./Can you translate this sentence into Japanese ? / The poster is coming off the wall./Date:2021.8.28./
Many dogs may easily worry one.
( 多くの犬が一匹を噛んでいじめるは簡単だ)~多勢に無勢~
English Lesson ( 英語教室)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Lectuer.Mrs Fumiko Shichi ( ~Have a meals ~)Would you select the reasonable red wine,Please ? / Is everything OK ? / Fine,thank you./ How do I eat this ? / It's delicious./ May I cancel my order? /I did't order this./ My dish hasn't come yet./ ~Make a payment ~ / Check ,Please./ Yes.madam./ I'll pay with the credit card./ What's this charge for ? /It's for the steak./ Signature,Please./ Here is yoinclude./ur check,madam./ How much is it total ? / I'll take care of the bill./ This is my treat./ Let's go Dutch,shall we ?/Is service charge /There is a mistake on the check./ We disn't order fish./ Thank you,we really enjoyed the meal./Date:2021.8.28./
Shopping " Yamada Electric Gifu Head Shop "( ヤマダ電機岐阜本店)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ The Yamada Electric Gifu Head Shop is located to the north of the Gifu Prefecture Hall / A kind of things:Electrical appliances/ How many number:One Dishwasher./ Price:11000yen./ How to payment:Card./ Date:2021.8.27.12:20am~13:00pm./
Restaurant " Namazuya Hashima shop " ( なまずや羽島分店)in Hashima City,Gifu Prefecture.Japan./ The Namazuya Hashima Shop is located to the north of the Hashima Shikansen Station./ Cusine Name:eel meals./ Taste:eel lunch set.Good./ Price:Three person' ( 7500yen)/ Atomosphere:Common./Value:★★★/Date:2021.8.27.11:30am~12:10am./