What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome

Secret code that Master Kukai taught me.

The bird (鳥 TORI) in the cage...

2011-02-14 14:20:16 | What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome


Kagome Kagome, Kago no naka no tori wa (the bird in the cage is...)


"TORI" (鳥: bird) is "To" of "Totto"(Japanese child's word for 'fish') and "RI" of "Ryu" (龍: dragon).

And then, of course,    "TORI"()TORI" is the bird.    The bird is a crane (). 

Mr. Kukai is a rhetoric person, isn't he? 

He made the dragon over the front of the back.

There is a dragon on the top of the Dangamine (段ヶ峰).

Dan-gamine is the tomb (墓: 'Miune') of the Dan tribe. 

Then, it became "Dan-ga-mine",  "Dangamine". 

By the way, Sengamine (千ヶ峰) is 'Tose' 'Gad' 'wish' 'Miune',

it is probably the meaning of the tomb of the tribe of Gad, who brought home the martyrs and worshipped them.



  A dragon is the deification of a serpent.

  Actually, the role of the Dan tribe is to protect the king's head (North).

  The turtle and the snake... Yes, it is the Genbu (玄武).

They protect the king even if they become alone! That's the sprits of the Dan tribe.

There is a tortoise in the center, but because of the golf course, the figure is also ...

Only the outline of the turtle and its head seem to retain its shape.

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