What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome

Secret code that Master Kukai taught me.

Praying to small stone shrine at Ruri Waterfall, from there on, there is real target Kukai's tomb.

2020-08-26 06:06:06 | What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome


Wednesday, 26th of August, 2020

When you pray at the Ruri Waterfall (瑠璃滝) at Amidaji Temple, the Tōdaiji Betsuin Branch Temple (東大寺別院阿弥陀寺), to a masonry small shrine, from there on, there is the tomb of Lord Kukai(空海), which was moved from Mt. Kōyasan (高野山).

The tomb has a cute fish-shaped contour line on it.

I have been to many shrines and temples in my life, but I have never seen the place where there were so many unique stone Buddhas of Master Kukai who has Gokosho (五鈷杵) on his chest.

I was surprised and happy to see them.


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