

Charlie Squad Dismissed (第4期 Cチーム 解散)

2011年03月29日 13時26分59秒 | ぼやき

The "Charlie" Squad of Kanazawa University Hospital (KUH) Urologic Surgery division was dismissed on Mar. 28.

Y. Takase left KUH, and will join Toyama City Hospital next month.

Y. Maeda, the squad leader, said that "Dr. Takase fullfilled his duties more perfectly than we expected. All members of our team would miss him. We greatly appreciate his work."

The NEW "Charlie" team of KUH Urology will launch out in Apr. 2011, welcoming Dr. Matsui, a specialist of pediatric urology.

(PHOTO) The "Charlie" surgical team successfully performed the first case of laparoscopic partial nephrectomy with Habib4X, the domestic initial case in Japan.

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