そのさきへ -Deep Sky Blue version-



2010-10-23 02:07:06 | 日常生活
00:20 from goo
なっきぃ、今日もcookingショーだね、なっきぃ!! #goo_kaotan_rika http://blog.goo.ne.jp/kaotan_rika/e/04b63aeea41d91c5716bf236d4f07bb0
00:22 from web
Yes, Paris is literally in the fire. French protesters march in Paris as lawmakers vote - http://bit.ly/aTrtFv #cnn
00:24 from ついっぷる/twipple
ついっぷるくじのボタンを今日2055番目に押したなう。本日の賞品は「【iPad Wi-Fi 32GB】1名様」! http://z.twipple.jp/kuji/ #twipple_kuji
00:32 from HootSuite
RT @d_stallworth18: “Do not anxiously hope for that which is not yet come; do not vainly regret what is already past." ~Chinese Proverb
00:34 from web
BBC News - D'oh! Simpsons are not Catholic, say producers http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-11593990
00:48 from HootSuite
[FIVE STARS Tue.] あ゛~ - どーも!! 中島早貴です。 今週もモーニング娘。の新垣さんが来てくれまし http://ow.ly/19z25p
00:53 from HootSuite
RT @braves: RT @ajcbraves: #Braves' Heyward edges out #Giants' Posey as Baseball America's Rookie of the Year http://bit.ly/bzywQ9
00:56 from goo
なっきぃ、がきさんと一緒だったんだよね、なっきぃ!! #goo_kaotan_rika http://blog.goo.ne.jp/kaotan_rika/e/6f67be1a2f27ff205f4c88e1293e6b2e
06:52 from Tweet Button
Doc-Lincecum II another must-see rematch http://t.co/XK8DMqS via @mlb #phillies #sfgiants #alcs
07:52 from ついっぷる/twipple
12:36 from TweetCaster
QBs running wild in college football, http://fxn.ws/anCTjM #ncaa
12:45 from TweetCaster
NYTimes: A Long Year for Thomas O. Hicks
http://nyti.ms/9f6s39 #rangers #stars
by ilovenacky on Twitter
