そのさきへ -Deep Sky Blue version-



2009-12-18 00:06:19 | 日常生活
06:53 from Power Twitter
good morning. I missed or couldnt or didint listen to Wed's FIVE STARS in 3 consective week... Does my heart go away from 07??
07:04 from Power Twitter
Mariners putting buzz back in Seattle - MLB News - FOX Sports on MSN: http://bit.ly/7tBSJa
07:07 from Power Twitter
http://bit.ly/5zGki0 Watching #Phillies introduce Roy Halladay
09:38 from TwitterGadget
[怪盗レーニャのブログ]1話のあらすじ! http://ameblo.jp/kaito-reinya/entry-10412604436.html
09:58 from ShareThis.com
Ochocinco wants to 'beat Merriman's head in' - http://shar.es/aDoz5 #Bengals #Chargers

Reebok NFLプレミア ジャージシンシナティ ベンガルズチャド・オチョシンコ #85 (ブラック)

12:58 from web
Artest calls Tiger 'perfect role model' - NBA News - FOX Sports on MSN: http://bit.ly/7BZEHf
Artest is far from role model, though
14:06 from TwitterGadget
http://item.rakuten.co.jp/takaoka/4903333030460/ 本日のおやつ

プレミアムチョコレート!ロッテ スペシャリテ 塩とヘーゼルナッツ10入

21:10 from API
You may be ready to ease up on the reins of control in order t... More for Capricorn http://twittascope.com/twittascope/?sign=10
21:42 from movatwitter
あっ、オレへのレスは日本語でいいよ!でもいつもありがと! RT @YukiFel: @ilovereina Thank you very much! You too!
by ilovereina on Twitter
