00:06 from HootSuite
RT @CBSSports: Danica Patrick will make her NASCAR debut this weekend at Daytona International Speedway.http://bit.ly/djtjQO
00:07 from HootSuite
I think Danica is not a woman of steel, but a true woman of wheel.
00:52 from HootSuite
RT @DanicaPatrick: Myself and a few others decided to run next weekend. I am pretty excited!
01:19 from HootSuite
[my blog posting] 2月08日(月)のつぶやき - 01:17 from HootSuite [my blog posting] 2月07日(日)のつぶやき - 01:17 from HootSuite [my... http://ow.ly/16wMPp
02:28 from HootSuite
RT @nprnews: Kyodo: #Prius Recall Announcement As Soon As Tuesday http://su.pr/2uFBr6 Its a too late call by #Toyota.
02:47 from sobees
(my blog posing) [第44回スーパーボウル] The Super Drama http://ow.ly/1573M
03:01 from HootSuite
RT @MLBONFOX: Despite concerns, Hudson should thrive with #Twins @Ken_Rosenthal http://j.mp/dbHNPj
09:33 from Echofon
12:20 from movatwitter
RT @msnbc_breaking: Toyota says it is recalling Prius in Japan because of braking problems http://bit.ly/caJ3T3
12:23 from movatwitter
RT@edypara_megumi:【みんなも参加しよう!】@edypara_megumi【先着4,000名様】ファミマ限定ドリンク実質無料お試しキャンペーン! #edyparafm (PC)http://bit.ly/9PKp3i(Mo)http://bit.ly/ceD5wI
13:56 from web
神戸の人気ドーナツ専門店「はらドーナッツ」-栄に名古屋2号店(サカエ経済新聞) http://bit.ly/aUhBAf #minkei 名古屋の1号店ってどこかと思ったら藤が丘か。実家から近いよ。まぁ去年の娘。コンの折に湊川まで食べに行ったけどな。
14:46 from Echofon
16:18 from Echofon (Re: @mymelodyorg)
@mymelodyorg そういえばモーニング娘。のオフィシャルMySpaceっていうのもあったような・・・
20:50 from sobees
Google has already aired TVCM in Japan, though. Super Bowl ad breaks Google's TV silence http://shar.es/aL6O4
by ilovenacky on Twitter
RT @CBSSports: Danica Patrick will make her NASCAR debut this weekend at Daytona International Speedway.http://bit.ly/djtjQO
00:07 from HootSuite
I think Danica is not a woman of steel, but a true woman of wheel.
00:52 from HootSuite
RT @DanicaPatrick: Myself and a few others decided to run next weekend. I am pretty excited!
01:19 from HootSuite
[my blog posting] 2月08日(月)のつぶやき - 01:17 from HootSuite [my blog posting] 2月07日(日)のつぶやき - 01:17 from HootSuite [my... http://ow.ly/16wMPp
02:28 from HootSuite
RT @nprnews: Kyodo: #Prius Recall Announcement As Soon As Tuesday http://su.pr/2uFBr6 Its a too late call by #Toyota.
プリウスvsインサイト 井元 康一郎 小学館 このアイテムの詳細を見る |
02:47 from sobees
(my blog posing) [第44回スーパーボウル] The Super Drama http://ow.ly/1573M
03:01 from HootSuite
RT @MLBONFOX: Despite concerns, Hudson should thrive with #Twins @Ken_Rosenthal http://j.mp/dbHNPj
09:33 from Echofon
前田敦子写真集『あっちゃん』 前田敦子,Takeo Dec. 集英社 このアイテムの詳細を見る |
12:20 from movatwitter
RT @msnbc_breaking: Toyota says it is recalling Prius in Japan because of braking problems http://bit.ly/caJ3T3
12:23 from movatwitter
RT@edypara_megumi:【みんなも参加しよう!】@edypara_megumi【先着4,000名様】ファミマ限定ドリンク実質無料お試しキャンペーン! #edyparafm (PC)http://bit.ly/9PKp3i(Mo)http://bit.ly/ceD5wI
13:56 from web
神戸の人気ドーナツ専門店「はらドーナッツ」-栄に名古屋2号店(サカエ経済新聞) http://bit.ly/aUhBAf #minkei 名古屋の1号店ってどこかと思ったら藤が丘か。実家から近いよ。まぁ去年の娘。コンの折に湊川まで食べに行ったけどな。
14:46 from Echofon
16:18 from Echofon (Re: @mymelodyorg)
@mymelodyorg そういえばモーニング娘。のオフィシャルMySpaceっていうのもあったような・・・
20:50 from sobees
Google has already aired TVCM in Japan, though. Super Bowl ad breaks Google's TV silence http://shar.es/aL6O4
by ilovenacky on Twitter