そのさきへ -Deep Sky Blue version-



2010-09-12 02:03:10 | 日常生活
09:31 from Power Twitter
Cut by #Dolphins, White signs with K.C. ... #Royals - http://bit.ly/atkj7j /via @SI_24Seven
09:36 from FOX Sports
Check this out! Miami Hurricanes Jacory Harris singing a different tune - CFB News - FOX Sports on MSN: http://soc.li/kMRaWIN
10:14 from HootSuite
ということはかなりのハロメンは「短命」っていうことか!! RT @BloombergJapan: 「しっかり」握手できる人は長生き-英国の研究が示す
10:16 from goo
9月10日(金)のつぶやき #goo_kaotan_rika http://blog.goo.ne.jp/kaotan_rika/e/91314aad99cd7d414104ee606bc01ca8
10:48 from HootSuite
Just added @JacoryHarris12 to my following list. Go #Hurricanes!! #ff
11:42 from HootSuite
Big milage! RT @MLB: Aroldis Chapman's 11th inn: 102, 102, 103, 101, 101, 102, 90 (cutter), 103, 103, 90 (cutter). 1-2-3 and just wow. #reds
12:16 from goo
[NCAA短評]ハリケーンズの「伝統」を引き継ぐQB #goo_kaotan_rika http://blog.goo.ne.jp/kaotan_rika/e/cd734cf4a9b3524ece18db8252675eee
12:19 from Power Twitter
16:10 from foursquare
I'm at スターバックス コーヒー 用賀店 (瀬田5-39-22, 世田谷区). http://4sq.com/5JKmU9
16:34 from TweetCaster
Help For Poor Could Be Sacrificed To Boost Economy: http://www.npr.org/129747980
16:38 from TweetCaster
In 'Tenth Inning,' Baseball's Shakespearean Plot: http://www.npr.org/129757687
16:43 from TweetCaster
NYTimes: Quarterback of Panthers’ Present Has Support of Team
http://nyti.ms/bzKOk7 #panthers #nfl
17:20 from TweetCaster
Religious tension marks Sept 11 anniversary http://www.reuters.com/article/topNews/idUSTRE68709M20100911
17:24 from TweetCaster
今後はアンドロイド優勢になるんかな? Google's Android to be world No. 2 in 2010: report http://www.reuters.com/article/businessNews/idUSTRE68745L20100910
19:17 from Power Twitter
Nine years after 9/11, a photo provides some peace - http://bit.ly/dolMh2 #cnn
by ilovenacky on Twitter
