そのさきへ -Deep Sky Blue version-


4月1日(日)のつぶやき その2

2012-04-02 03:11:51 | 中島早貴(なっきぃ)&℃-ute
17:05 from foursquare
I'm at 天神橋 (目黒区, 東京都) 4sq.com/Hbqa9Z

17:09 from foursquare
I'm at 中目黒駅 (Naka-meguro Sta.) (目黒区, 東京都) w/ 3 others 4sq.com/HHmeMs

17:22 from foursquare
I'm at まいばすけっと 中央町2丁目店 (目黒区, 東京都) 4sq.com/HwEHcI

17:25 from foursquare
I'm at 東京地方裁判所 民事執行センター (目黒区, 東京都) 4sq.com/HuJW2J

17:29 from foursquare
I'm at 立会川緑道 寺前橋 4sq.com/H5xrsC

17:33 from Seesmic

17:46 from HootSuite

17:47 from HootSuite

18:03 from National Football League
NFL.com news: Cowboys' Carr intent on keeping Giants' Cruz from dancing: soc.li/s0nOQeO

18:45 RT from TweetCaster for iOS
Government panel warns a M9.0 quake could unleash 112 foot tsunami along #Japan's Pacific coast in the future wapo.st/HwElI0
Akiko Fujitaさんのツイート

23:30 RT from TweetCaster for iOS
With the news Jeremy Lin is done for the season, the NY Post back page went with "Crumblin'" & the Daily News went "Stop the Linsanity"
Rachel Nicholsさんのツイート

by ilovenacky on Twitter
