そのさきへ -Deep Sky Blue version-



2010-04-11 00:06:03 | 日常生活
01:39 from HootSuite
[my blog posting] 4月9日(金)のつぶやき - 00:12 from HootSuite RT @TheJerryRice80: seems like everyone is curious to see ho... http://ow.ly/171Dbv
08:06 from HootSuite
Watching #Dodgers @ #Marlins
08:36 from HootSuite
Lets go Hanley!! #marlins
08:38 from HootSuite
08:44 from HootSuite
08:53 from HootSuite
#Dodgers firstly must solve the problem of second.
09:35 from HootSuite
Both Kuroda and Volstad make a great pitch so far. Both defenses are so good too. #dodgers #marlins
09:36 from HootSuite
RT @si_mlb: Lee expected to miss first month with ab strain - #Mariners pitcher Cliff Lee is expected to miss... http://bit.ly/a5Jdmi
10:24 from HootSuite
http://ow.ly/i/11RC いい写真だな
10:26 from HootSuite
RT @Alyssa_Milano: RT @mashable: BREAKING: @Twitter Acquires @Tweetie - http://bit.ly/cI1RZu
10:42 from HootSuite
RT @MinnesotaTwins: twinsbaseball.com >> Early schedule concerns Gardenhire http://bit.ly/adWoRC
10:48 from HootSuite
http://ow.ly/1wJlI マスターズでは弱い日本人よりも強いタイガーを見たい!!// I dont need weak Japanese pro-golfers but strong Tiger at #masters !! #augusta
10:56 from HootSuite
#Dodgers Hiroki Kuroda made a very solid outing, outduel Volstad of #Marlins . If he can be healthy thruout the season, LAD can win NLW.
11:02 from HootSuite
日本人選手には興味ないけど、今日の黒田博樹が素晴らしかったと思うし、そのおかげで守備も締まった(特にケイシー・ブレイク)。今年はフルシーズン活躍してほしいし、そうなればドジャーズはSFのリンスカム/ケインの先発コンビに勝てる先発陣を揃えられる。 #dodgers #mlb
11:11 from HootSuite
思っていたとおりの展開に・・・ RT @espn Terry Francona on umpire Joe West's remarks: 'Troubling' - ESPN Boston http://tinyurl.com/y34nw9f
11:19 from HootSuite
What a hard late Friday night for #Marlins and (relatively not so many) fans!!
14:40 from movatwitter
So sad... RT @cnnbrk: Four missing West Virginia miners found dead http://on.cnn.com/aCyhTJ
16:56 from HootSuite
RT @msnbc_breaking: Plane carrying Polish president crashes in Russia; 87 reported dead http://bit.ly/caJ3T3
18:06 from HootSuite
http://ow.ly/1wMBY 元経済産業相(70)元財務相(71)元自民党幹事長代理(68)元運輸相(67)...昔の名前で生きていますか。まもなく立ち上がれずに寝たきりになるだろう。新党なんて作ることが目的。それよりも既存政党で若く新しいリーダーを望む!!
19:38 from HootSuite
#iPad May Be ‘Black Ship’ That Shakes Up Japan’s Book Industry (Bloomberg) http://ow.ly/1wNgS
19:42 from HootSuite
http://ow.ly/i/129N ジュンジュンが一生懸命に引っ込めている感があっていい!!
19:45 from HootSuite
http://ow.ly/i/129S なっきぃの手のつなぎ方っていうか添え方が新婚夫婦の写真っぽく見えるwまぁそのうちまいみ~とオレが入れ替わって同じような写真を撮ることになるはず(ならない)
by ilovenacky on Twitter
