そのさきへ -Deep Sky Blue version-



2011-06-14 01:11:11 | 日常生活
06:47 from goo
[NBA短評]Cuban Credit #goo_kaotan_rika http://goo.gl/s5rXH
07:18 from goo
なっきぃ、撮影してしゃぶしゃぶに行ったんだね、なっきぃ!! #goo_kaotan_rika http://goo.gl/FMizl
09:36 from tGadget
RT @BloombergJapan: ルービニ教授:「最悪の状況」が2013年に世界経済を脅かす恐れ http://bloom.bg/jRliJK
11:09 from tGadget
RT @darrenrovell: If Mavs win they'd be only the 9th team to win the NBA Title in 30 years. NFL, NHL (15 different champs), MLB (20).
11:12 from tGadget
RT @PTIShow: We are less than 12 minutes away from David Stern having to hand the trophy to Mark Cuban.
11:22 from tGadget
RT @darrenrovell: Since Mark Cuban bought the Mavs in January 2000, he has spent about $880 million on player salaries
11:58 from tGadget
New America's team from Dallas was born!! Congrat #mavs and give @mcuban credit!
12:22 from TweetCaster
RT @BigMikeWill17: "D.A.L.L.A.S = (D)irk (A)int (L)etting (L)ebron (A)ss (S)hine"-- hahah nice
12:30 from TweetCaster
RT @ochocinco: Heat lost = I jumped from the 10th floor of the The Apogee (I'm Dead) tweeting from heaven

12:40 from TweetCaster
12:41 from foursquare
PRONTOでIDも使えるようになったみたいだけど、今日はEdyを使ってコーヒー飲んでる (@ プロント 勝どき店) http://4sq.com/jahp2M
12:44 from TweetCaster
12:47 from TweetCaster
12:51 from TweetCaster
12:55 from TweetCaster
17:16 from tGadget
18:50 from foursquare
I'm at Ginza, Tokyo http://4sq.com/kWgMcu
21:30 from goo
なっきぃ、愛されているね、なっきぃ!! #goo_kaotan_rika http://blog.goo.ne.jp/kaotan_rika/e/a6f873554596903e69409827db687cb8
21:39 from HootSuite
RT @mcuban: I need to say how much respect I have for Micky Arison and Pat Riley. FIrst class people in a first class organization
21:51 from HootSuite
RT @darrenrovell: #NBA Titles over last 30 yrs: #Lakers (9) #Bulls (6) #Spurs (4) Celts, #Pistons (3) #Rockets (2) #Heat #76ers #Mavs (1)
22:04 from TweetMeme
MLB talks switching American League team to National League, sources say - ESPN http://es.pn/me4kfG #astros #marlins
22:08 from ついっぷる/twipple
Sad ad! RT @darrenrovell: Today's Miami Herald has Macy's ad offering Heat championship gear http://t.co/9f4G9Av (via @AndySlater)
22:54 from ついっぷる/twipple
22:56 from ついっぷる/twipple
22:58 from goo
[短評]Tiger lost in the Woods #goo_kaotan_rika http://goo.gl/kYUiE
by ilovenacky on Twitter
