China to Become Top Travel Destination by 2030
China is likely to overtake France as the world's number one tourist destination by 2030 thanks to increased travel in the Asia-Pacific region, according to research group Euromonitor International.
Euromonitor says there will be 1.4 billion international trips made in 2018, up 5 percent from last year. By 2030, this number is expected to rise by another billion.
Much of this growth is happening in the Asia-Pacific region, where the number of trips taken is expected to increase by 10 percent this year. Many countries in the region have fast-developing economies as well as growing middle classes that want to spend more on travel.
Euromonitor's travel expert, Wouter Geerts, said that tourism in Asia is growing because changes to visa rules have made travel easier. The report noted that 80 percent of arrivals in the region originated in Asia.
With Tokyo hosting the 2020 Summer Olympic Games and Beijing the 2022 winter games, Geerts said sporting events will further increase tourism in the Asia-Pacific region.
"Tourism is a key [part] of the Chinese economy," he said, adding that a lot of money has gone into this industry.
Other countries expected to see an increase in tourism include Egypt, Tunisia and Turkey, which have seen major drops in tourist numbers over the past few years because of security concerns.
The number of Chinese tourists is also growing quickly. In 2000, Chinese citizens took around 10 million international trips. Last year, that number was up to 145 million, according to the China Outbound Tourism Research Institute.
2018年には、昨年より5%増である14億の海外旅行がなされるだろう、とユーロモニターは述べる。 2030年までに、この数はさらに10億増加すると見込まれる。
この増加の大半はアジア太平洋地域で生じており、そこでの旅行の数が今年10%増加すると見込まれる。 同地域の多くの国々には、急速に発展している経済と、旅行にお金をさらに費やすことを望む中流階級の拡大が見られる。
ビザの規定変更により旅行しやすくなっているため、アジアの観光が成長している、とユーロモニターの旅行専門家であるウーター・ゲールツは述べた。 同地域の到着80%がアジアからだ、と報告は述べた。
中国人観光客の数も急速に増加している。 2000年に、中国市民は約1,000万回の海外旅行をした。
China is likely to overtake France as the world's number one tourist destination by 2030 thanks to increased travel in the Asia-Pacific region, according to research group Euromonitor International.
Euromonitor says there will be 1.4 billion international trips made in 2018, up 5 percent from last year. By 2030, this number is expected to rise by another billion.
Much of this growth is happening in the Asia-Pacific region, where the number of trips taken is expected to increase by 10 percent this year. Many countries in the region have fast-developing economies as well as growing middle classes that want to spend more on travel.
Euromonitor's travel expert, Wouter Geerts, said that tourism in Asia is growing because changes to visa rules have made travel easier. The report noted that 80 percent of arrivals in the region originated in Asia.
With Tokyo hosting the 2020 Summer Olympic Games and Beijing the 2022 winter games, Geerts said sporting events will further increase tourism in the Asia-Pacific region.
"Tourism is a key [part] of the Chinese economy," he said, adding that a lot of money has gone into this industry.
Other countries expected to see an increase in tourism include Egypt, Tunisia and Turkey, which have seen major drops in tourist numbers over the past few years because of security concerns.
The number of Chinese tourists is also growing quickly. In 2000, Chinese citizens took around 10 million international trips. Last year, that number was up to 145 million, according to the China Outbound Tourism Research Institute.
2018年には、昨年より5%増である14億の海外旅行がなされるだろう、とユーロモニターは述べる。 2030年までに、この数はさらに10億増加すると見込まれる。
この増加の大半はアジア太平洋地域で生じており、そこでの旅行の数が今年10%増加すると見込まれる。 同地域の多くの国々には、急速に発展している経済と、旅行にお金をさらに費やすことを望む中流階級の拡大が見られる。
ビザの規定変更により旅行しやすくなっているため、アジアの観光が成長している、とユーロモニターの旅行専門家であるウーター・ゲールツは述べた。 同地域の到着80%がアジアからだ、と報告は述べた。
中国人観光客の数も急速に増加している。 2000年に、中国市民は約1,000万回の海外旅行をした。