
usyukuro sound space

music emission

2008-06-16 17:31:23 | Weblog
Time Price
Listen 1. ubiquitous fluid 14:30 $0.99 Buy Track
Listen 2. disgust night fire 9:08 $0.99 Buy Track
Listen 3. the lake of ysykkol 15:26 $0.99 Buy Track
Listen 4. jail of kolima 14:45 $0.99 Buy Track
Listen 5. blues of oliver

ubiquitous fluid seems keen to
synchronized with electro strings.
Ambintal vs.orinted-reduction .
Disgust night fire is melancholy but
calm(ness) &silence leftfield drone.
jail of kolima seems sampling based
new age enigma like far east siberian kolima.
blues of oliver seems only one folkish style song.
with voacl such as Paul Westerberg or Eddie Vedder

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