
usyukuro sound space

Lucifer Over London vs Père sévère

2009-07-19 15:48:39 | Weblog
song title;Père sévère::::::::
Band name; KOL SONZLGN
original;1999/remake2008 label;usyukuro Tags:
Added to Usyukuro sound s... folder 1 minute ago

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Tags: KOLSONZLGN , heavy , loud , usyukuro , leftfield , clickscuts , mego , zodo , altenative
Folder Tags: Usyukuro , sound , station


Current 93 - Lucifer Over London

coming from the 1994 EP "Lucifer Over London".

The twisted wings and clouds unfold
And the greatgape of He who fell
Makes darkened shadows over pointed spires
Little children point and sing
And little children run and dance
Over there the setting sun
And under that the silent stars
And under they the weeping sky
And under Her the laughing world
(Balance sits in western parts
And piles spare Spares in his gabled room)
Great Anarch and Monarch of Not
The Flight of Lucifer over London
And my little grandson
Wrinkled son forehead
All tiny blue pain
As the Mother Blood emerges
Then the Mother Grief
And the Blue Gates of Death
Open armwide
Open teethwide
All dead like the leaves
Old times shiver
Old dead calendar
Past blurred sunsets
Cinders flying in His heart His heart
His fingers punch holes in the sky
(And all the little Christs I count
Are covered in the breathwhite snow
And all the little Christs I call
Are laughing through the green green fields)
Some of those angels have the face of God
And some of them have the face of dogs
(By the Tower of Moad - see the sky's Greenangel form)
And lucifer flickers all around me
His hooded eyes alight
In the smoky musk
Look into Him just a little longer
See the true face of the Moon
So He wheels there through the heavens
His eyes are dotted brightlights
Licked with dust
A golden seabird
Halfdead with spray
His banners are broken flags in the wind
Devouring life he breaks at walls
The glint of dead fruits glint
And then the Moon...
And then the Moon...
And then the Moon...

(And sixsixsix
It makes us sick
We're sicksicksick
of 666)

Sarai CD

2009-07-04 10:13:19 | Weblog
This compilation has been put together to linearly construct 'sonic spaces' we inhabit, and the moods these sounds subject us to. The omnipresent nature of sound involves us in a continuous engagement with the objective world; 'in music' we connect to the subjective self and the sonic universe that surrounds us.
It is via these two perceptions that these tracks have been woven together, using field recordings and musical composition, where one suggests and leads the other.

Sound reasons 't0'

4th world Orchestra cosmicomics
sonic objects hydrosonic (4th world orchestra rmx)
diF 49 percent
da-saz RL 137
Back To Frank - Freeze
diF blue hour
soundSkill peshkar
edGeCut last train to Sarai
heterogeneouz + electrophonicAnalog shift dub (diF rmx)
monoton mini beat (edGeCut rmx)
audio pervert audio date
dj Spooky + Qasim Virjee maya Saguna