
usyukuro sound space


2008-04-04 06:02:38 | Weblog

FIRLEFANZ GALLERY at 292 Lark Street in Albany, NY is proud to present as the last event at the gallery "THE TOM NATTELL ART SHOW & AUCTION" on Friday and Saturday, Jan 27 and 28.

Gallery hours for those two days will be from 3pm to 9pm with a reception on Friday from 5 to 8pm for the Tom Nattel show and a potluck farewell party for Firlefanz Gallery on Saturday from 5 to 8pm.

An exhibit of the late poet-activist’s visual work will be on display with many pieces to be auctioned as a benefit for the ALBANY DAMIEN SOCIETY

TOM NATTELL has been a guiding light in the Albany poetry and activist scenes for the past five decades. His works incorporate the issues for which he advocated – social and political awareness, gardening, recycling – with forms derived from Native American art and archaeology. The result is a mixture of in-your-face messages, bright colors, found objects, trash, and home-grown gourds. Tom died on January 31, 2005.

The ALBANY DAMIEN SOCIETY is a community center for individuals and families living with and affected by HIV/AIDS. Programs and activities offered are designed to improve health, reduce stress, and increase quality of life.

Please join us to honor an unforgettable member of our community and to support a worthy cause.

Also come celebrate Tom’s life on the anniversary of his death. The TOM NATTELL MEMORIAL to benefit the TOM NATTELL PEACE POETRY PRI will be at the Lark Tavern on Monday, January 30, 2006, at 7:30. This event features an open mic for poetry and spoken word and is presented by Poets Speak Loud.

January 2, 2006: Happy New Year from Firlefanz gallery! We have closed the gallery for the season, but we're getting ready for Ionesco's "Rhinoceros!" with puppets, in a couple of weeks. January 12, 13, 14 at 7:30. Tickets will be available at the gallery the day of the performance starting at 4:00pm


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uij (ki)
2008-04-12 12:56:58
experimental ambient wired leftfield noise
