教皇 奴隷 スペイン黒い伝説 侵略 異端審問 魔女狩 ガリレオ マザー・テレサ キリスト教カトリック聖書


The comments of the Holy Father on the occasion of the presentation the latin editio typica of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (Osservatore Romano, 8-9 September 1997, p.5) last year are most enlightening:

"I now entrust this definitive and normative text to the entire Church, especially to the Pastors of the various dioceses throughout the world who are those for whom it is principally destines. In these circumstances, the Pauline text, in certain sense, could justly be applied 'I have received from the Lord that which in turn I have handed on to you'"(1 Cor 11:23).

On that occasion the Holy Father clearly identified the Pastors of the various dioceses throughout the world as those to whom this text is principally directed. What the Holy Father said in relation to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, can be applied validly to the entire catechetical service. From the Lord we have received the precious gift of the Gospel which, in turn, by our commitment and daily efforts, we must transmit to those entrusted to our care.

In concluding my introduction, I must express special gratitude for the praiseworthy efforts of you, my brother Bishops, shown in production of the National Catechetical Directory for the Catholics of the United States, Sharing the Faith (1977).

With prudent patience, courage and resolve, you must now begin the important work of revision and renewal of catechesis in your country in the light of the Catechism of the Catholic Church and of the General Directory for Catechesis.

Without further delay, let us reflect on the various themes that you have asked me to comment on.

- Evangelization as the foundation and context of catechesis

- the ministry of priests in catechesis

- Formation of catechists

- Inculturating the Gospel message

- Ecumenism and catechesis

Evangelization as the foundation and context of Catechesis

1. The term evangelization

Consequently, such formation attaches particular importance to studying profoundly those texts in which the Church expresses her faith in a complete and ordered manner: Catechisms (in primis The Catechism of the Catholic Church, and local catechisms). At the same time, this also demands a cultural and theological renewal so as to assist priests in presenting the faith in an authentic and relevant manner, in response to the more dramatic challenges of our time: the discrepancy between faith and culture.

The Formation of Catechists

For catechesis (both catechist and those being catechized), this gives rise to a whole range of responsibilities which can be summarized as follows:

a. Adequate knowledge of the contents of the Catholic faith whose faithful transmission is the cardinal criterion for genuine inculturation. "The person who becomes a disciple of Christ has the right to receive 'the word of faith' not in mutilated, falsified or diminished form but whole and entire, in all its rigour and vigour. Unfaithfulness on some point to the integrity of the message means a dangerous weakening of catechesis and puts at risk the results that Christ and the ecclesial community have a right to expect from it" (CT 30). To-day, pastoral workers have available to them an indispensable point of reference in The Catechism of the Ctholic Church which is the touch-stone for every process of inculturation.


Catechesis has diverse tasks in inculturating the faith. Among them the General Directory for Catechesis mentions the following:

- The ecclesial community must be considered the principle agent of inculturation. Catechists are both an expressions and effective instruments of this. Together with possessing a profound religious sense they should also have a deep social sensibility and be well rooted in their own culture.

- Local catechisms in their response to the demands of different cultures, present the Gospel in relation to the aspirations, questions and problems which are found in these same cultures.

In this respect, it should be noted that the preparation of a National Catechism, the revision of the National catechetical Directory as well as the provision of catechetical norms and guidelines must be carried out only under the direct supervision of the Bishops of this Country.

マリア 天使祝詞 ロザリオ

マザー テレサ





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