2022/11/02 露軍予備役部隊に異変か。穀物輸出停止めぐり、国連・英国が露主張を〇〇。カザフスタン、露主導の〇〇に消極姿勢報道。
Huge Fear: Putin is withdrawing his army! I The US Armored Troops has arrived in that area!
Qatar refuses to cap energy prices, rejects gas supply #germany #qatar #europe #gas #energy
U.S. announces dollar will return to gold after global sell-off of U.S. debt #dollar #gold #america
U.S. announces dollar will return to gold after global sell-off of U.S. debt #dollar #gold #america
GAME OVER! China & Russia BRICS Partnership Is Collapsing The US Economy? Fall Of Petrodollar
GAME OVER! Saudi Arabia's Partnership With China Will Collapse The US Economy | OPEC End Petrodollar
GAME OVER! Saudi Arabia's Partnership With China Will Collapse The US Economy | OPEC End Petrodollar
Why Taiwan's semiconductor industry is so important | DW News