【必見】です!!財務省の抵抗、苦しい答弁の鈴木大臣… 財政法と「財政再建」、消費税の致命的欠陥の過ちを認める時が来た!(参議院財政金融委員会 西田昌司 質問 令和4年11月1日)
【拡散希望】財務省が慌てふためく!『財政破綻論』が崩れる歴史的瞬間が来た!(参議院財政金融委員会質問 令和4年3月15日)
Tucker Carlson: Twitter was permanently censoring users at the request of the DNC and Biden campaign
Tucker Carlson: Twitter was permanently censoring users at the request of the DNC and Biden campaign
James Woods: Elon Musk may have saved America
James Woods: Elon Musk may have saved America
Kim's Cash Flow: The Brutal Money System of North Korea | ENDEVR Documentary
Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address (with intro by President John Hennessy)