2022/12/06 ロシア本土で「大バク●ツ!」。露空軍基地に攻撃か。「食べ物を買う〇〇もない」ウクライナ侵攻に大金をつぎ込むプーチン政権に、ロシア国民から反発の声。
Unbelievable fiasco: More than 400.000 Russian soldiers refused to fight in Ukraine!
Putin can't back out, so the only option is to totally destroy him – William Browder
150 kilometres of range – new munitions for the Ukrainian army | Military Mind | TVP World
Is Hungary Russia's Trojan horse inside NATO? | Conflict Zone
The end of a superpower - The collapse of the Soviet Union | DW Documentary
NATO pledges more Ukraine support over winter | DW News