

don' wanna get bored!!!

2007年01月13日 17時19分53秒 | 日々日記

I like this school, so nice
and i also love this environment in here...

today was perfect sky.....
beautiful sea and sky gives me 
 feel like free



Right now i don't have any nervous or fear to stay here in U.S.

When i was in TX as exchange student, i was so nervous
almost everyday.

Now is like i don't have any fear just like i had before in TX.

I decided  not to be shy and don't get nervous. So i'm always chanllenging

now for everything. like be active!!! to enjoy for myself which is not like

before..in TX


Don't pretend to be I'm ok pretend like I'm having fun.

Well, that act caused by thinking too much  how i better behave to be nice to

 host family.

Yeah i know i was better to change host family. oh ya.


I asked Crissy that how i can use those buses and

I went mall after orientation by bus

It was pretty fun fun oh ya



Bus schedule.



But seems like i met a new problem now.

Which is....haaaa

today i knew about how other internatilnal student spending time in here

and how they living in here.

they already have friends cause that's the way how they could apply this

college and could find living place I have confidence to make friends if school

start. confidence.. i mean i don't hesitate to talk to new people. 

But school is not !!!start yet..... so... nothing to do.

yeah i got some friend's phone number. and i called to all of them today. for

not to get boring day. but they are all busy busy busy~ Mariana is the only

one i could contact. seems like she was so busy at the time. but she said

she will call me on Sunday. So i think,,, hope i can have fun with her.

i am hoping so strongly... 


I didn't think that much about to live with host family before i come here.

ooooo~ this is pretty important now though...but this proble might be gone

after school get start!!! Yeah of couse i know!!

BUT!! I don't wanna miss even a day.


And maybe why i have feeling of unstable now is because of

