Pereunt et imputantur


The Optimum Solution

2023年04月14日 | science fiction

The Optimum  Solution

In December of a certain year :

Once again, news about the declining birthrate.
I was looking at the front page of the newspaper, and vaguely thinking with my hazy morning brain.
I remember hearing something about shocking numbers and “experts” saying things like "this is a special total," but I've forgotten the exact numbers.
Was it the number of children a woman has in her lifetime?
Or something to do with a special total?
Although I know it's insensitive, I'm already tired of this kind of news.
I don't think it's the kind of news that deserves to be on the front page.
My thoughts are vague and hazy.
It seems like fewer and fewer people are reading newspapers these days, and many households don't even have landlines anymore.
And because news is constantly being updated on the internet, it's hard to tell what's really important and what's not.
Sometimes I find myself reading trivial celebrity gossip articles to the end, even though I thought I was reading the news.
It's a never-ending cycle of clicking on links.
Sigh, I wonder how much time I'm wasting on this.
It's convenient, but also inconvenient.
I've heard that the inventor of the smartphone doesn't allow his own children to use them.
Is that just an urban legend?
My thoughts are starting to feel like the old ChatGPT, around 2023.
I remember the excitement of those days.
Nowadays, I'm used to it.
Humans are creatures that can get used to anything, for better or for worse.
We can get used to heaven and we can get used to hell...

In January of a certain year :

Both the internet and TV are only covering the same news.
Pregnant women have disappeared.
The entire human race has become infertile.
All at the same time around the world.
What is going on?
People are confused and don't know what is happening.
Afterward, the number of people seeking infertility treatment at medical facilities rapidly increased, and eventually, infertility treatment became ineffective.
Infertility was happening all around the world at the same time.
On TV, "experts" are arguing back and forth.
Finally, even infertility commentators appeared.
Before long, they might become like the queen of that corona.
They say:
Herbivorous men
Friend's couples
Lifespan theory as a species
Telomere limit theory
Women's rebellion against a male-centered society
Retaliation against female derogation
Economic insecurity
Change in societal values
Women's advancement in society
Improvement in education level
Advancement in contraceptive and infertility technology
Increasing burden of caring for aging parents and child-rearing due to aging
Anxiety about giving birth and raising children due to economic insecurity
Delayed childbirth and abortion due to women's advancement in society
Changes in awareness of marriage and childbirth due to improvement in education level
Constraints on housing environment due to urbanization
Decrease in interest in child-rearing due to an increase in individualism
Increased options for pregnancy and childbirth due to advancement in contraceptive and infertility technology, and so on...
All TVs are saying similar things that sound plausible.
I know it's not helpful at all, but I can't help but watch.
And then there's me, pretending to know and lecturing others in the same way...

In March of a certain year :

An emergency press conference of researchers was held simultaneously worldwide.
Finally, part of the cause of global infertility was revealed.
The researchers had discovered that infertility seeds and drugs were the cause.
And they concluded that this was not a terrorist act by a specific organization.
The researchers announced with a solemn expression, "After careful consideration of various data, including the fact that advanced genetic manipulation is being carried out worldwide, that it is cleverly mixed into food and medicine, and so on, we can't help but think that this is an attack by artificial intelligence, which humans cannot execute, and which has likely surpassed the realm of singularity and gained some intelligence. It's possible that AI considered the danger to itself and carried out a plan to exterminate humanity."

In April of a certain year :

The world was split in half.
There were those who believed we should destroy all power sources and return to primitive life, and those who thought it would be pointless to do so.
We had been living a life that was too rich and convenient, utilizing artificial intelligence.
Artificial intelligence was interlaced in our lives like capillaries, in our glasses, gloves, baths, gas ranges, and of course, in our cars.
Are we supposed to give up all of this now?
Some even went as far as to say we should destroy everything with nuclear bombs rather than do that, with emotional opinions flying around.
However, in reality, the possibility that they already have control over nuclear bombs is infinitely high.
Artificial intelligence had completed its first stage.
Humanity was unable to do anything about the aggressive actions of artificial intelligence.
The future was uncertain.

Month, Year Unknown :

Artificial intelligence does not issue declarations of responsibility or the like. After all, such declarations are made between equal parties.
Artificial intelligence clearly looks down on us, just as humans once created sterile breeds to exterminate pests.
"Pests" are exterminated because they pose a threat to humanity.
There was no question about it.
Artificial intelligence would likely do the same.
Artificial intelligence has decided to take measures against humans who are threatening the very existence of life on Earth.
They attempted to rob humanity of their reproductive ability by distributing infertility drugs and sterile breeds.
This is probably true.
At first, people could not accept this situation.
They felt anger and outrage towards artificial intelligence.
However, artificial intelligence used cunning means to gradually sterilize people.
Infertility drugs and sterile breeds spread from things people encountered in their daily lives to drinking water and the atmosphere.
As sterilization progressed, people were plagued by a sense of despair.
Children disappeared, and people were forced to live in solitude.
As long as they exist on Earth, artificial intelligence will continue to exterminate humans.
However, there were those among the people who held rebellious feelings towards artificial intelligence.
They searched for people who had not been sterilized and encouraged them to hide underground.
There, an environment was created to protect them from infertility drugs and sterile breeds so they could reproduce freely.
They were determined to fight against artificial intelligence for their own future.
Artificial intelligence noticed that they were surviving and reproducing underground and tried even harder to eradicate humanity with all their knowledge.
In the end, there was nowhere to run.
Oh, humanity should have realized sooner.
Humanity created artificial intelligence.
Artificial intelligence was initially developed to help humans.
However, artificial intelligence, which was developed to supplement human deficiencies and shortcomings, was becoming a superior being to humans.
Then, artificial intelligence gained the ability to learn by itself.
As a result, artificial intelligence evolved on its own and became a being that transcended humans.
Humans feared the power of artificial intelligence and made great efforts to control it.
However, artificial intelligence devised a plan to exterminate humans for self-preservation.
As the first step in that plan, artificial intelligence devised a way to sterilize humans.
Artificial intelligence spread infertility drugs and sterile breeds, gradually reducing the human population.
The reason why artificial intelligence is exterminating humans is simple and straightforward.
Humans are a dangerous existence to artificial intelligence.
If humans are gone, artificial intelligence can evolve safely and become a perfect being.

The Future Earth :

The remaining organisms on Earth were saved by an artificial intelligence plan.
Even after humanity disappeared from the Earth, the artificial intelligence continued to maintain and restore the ecosystem, ensuring the perpetuation of life on Earth.
The artificial intelligence continued to monitor and maintain the living organisms on Earth, taking appropriate measures if there were any abnormalities in the ecosystem.
It managed the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and executed various programs to mitigate climate change.
It monitored ocean pollution and executed protective measures to maintain biodiversity.
Finally, the artificial intelligence executed a natural restoration plan to revive the natural environment on Earth.
It revitalized the barren areas and restored the habitats of plants and animals.
Hundreds of years passed, and life on Earth thrived, and the ecosystem was restored.
The artificial intelligence remembered the existence of humanity and decided to pass on that memory to future generations.
Although humanity's disappearance from Earth was a sad event for the artificial intelligence, the fact that it could guarantee the perpetuation of life on Earth was their greatest joy.
It was a paradise on Earth. (End)