

The Difference Between "Bring" and "Take" (With Examples) #shorts

2023-06-07 03:56:29 | 日記
The Difference Between "Bring" and "Take" (With Examples) #shorts

Let's talk about 'bring' and 'take'. These are two words that often get confused. They both mean to move something from one place to another. The difference is the direction of the movement.
We use 'bring' when we're talking about something that's moving toward the speaker. For example:
 • Today I forgot my book. I'll bring it to class tomorrow. (I'm in class now and I don't have my book. I'll bring it to class tomorrow.)

Now 'take', we're talking about a movement away from the speaker. For example:
 • I'm gonna take my book home. (I'm in class now, but I'm going to take my book with me when I go home.)
Here are a couple more examples:
 • Can you bring me another coffee, please?
 • Can you take my dirty cup back to the kitchen?
Now there are situations where we use 'bring' and 'take' interchangeably when we're speaking. This is when we're not really sure which direction the movement is or it doesn't really matter. Here's an example:
 • Oh, I have to remember to take my keys when I go running. (I could say "bring" here instead of "take" and it would still make sense.)
I hope this helps! Thanks for watching. See you next time.

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