Pokémon walk


The battle against Dambal

2024-09-19 21:34:00 | 日記
The stronger Dynamax Pokémon Dambal appeared yesterday.
I tried to challenge by myself but two battles at the same spot were all lost. I couldn’t make good battle for the three stars stronger Pokémon.

Then I joined my mate to go battle against Dambal three times. They were all good games and we could get Dambals. I was instructed by him how to win it.

Today I tried by myself again. But lost twice 😓
I came back home and learn how to make my Pokémon Lizard strong. But lacking of its energy I can’t help it just using extra energy”wonder candy”
Then I made Dambal evolute and strong which we got before night. 
I don’t know if Dynamax Dambal could support Lizard.
Finally I could win and catch Dambal  by myself. It’s my joy to make battle and win like a child. 

Level up

2024-09-19 06:20:00 | 日記
It’s been a month since the last level up from 41 to 42.
Now we’ve got the level up to 43 at the same time!
Thanks to your help I’ll be getting quickly to finish tasks.
It’s so wonderful to have a mate to go promoting the same task and help each other.

I’ll go much slower than you because it’s getting tough to finish the tasks. But I’m very confident following after your steps.